Shroud Twitch Stream Recap for Thursday 9/13/18 IRL, PUBG

All credit goes to https://twitch.tv/shroud

Stream Start 12:00PM PST


I’m waiting for tomorrow – I’m so excited! (COD Blackout on PC)

Mike Told story about how he broke his arm/elbow. “I don’t remember how much it hurt. It hurt a lot. I do remember when I took the cast off. Yeah my mom said move it. So I whipped my arm straight and it hurt so bad. She said yeah you can move your arm but she didn’t say slowly so I whipped it straight and you gotta tell me very specific instructions or else I’ll F it up.”

I could probably be alone the rest of my life, because I got you guys I’m not really alone am I?

I could probably survive on my own. Hopefully, I’ve never had a lonely feeling because I was always online.

Where’s Troy now? He’s downstairs, he’s sleeping. We put him in doggy day-care.

We are social animals and we need social interaction. I agree but I always have social interaction since I stream.

I think I’m supposed to announce something. Luckily everyone in the gaming community is pretty chill.

12:45 AFK PUBG – (Africa by Toto)

New Shroud Skins! (Hype!)

You ready for some more Shroud Skins?!

Look at those gloves!

It’s 4 skins, M16, Gloves, Bandana, and the Jacket.

It’ll be $14.99 crate tomorrow.

Think about it like you’re sending a 15 dono to me.

Look at this helmet, isn’t this helmet cool?

I wish I could change the laser color.

Only you can see your own laser.

Funny Dono (clip)

What is this survival level? What do you get?

Wow, thumb grip is not very good on this gun (UMP).

I don’t know how long the new shroud skins will be available for.

Troy, no. Why are you chewing on the chair?

This gun is so weird. Lightweight feels kind of good actually.

AFK to take Troy outside 1:10PM PST

I didn’t see the final draft (skins). I wanted to see how it was finished, but I like the way they turned out. The gloves are sick. I really like the gloves.

I like the M16, I think it looks the best as a weapon to skin. I hate SKS I hate minis, QBZ is ass, M24 is boring. I think the M16 pulls it off the best. I could have picked any gun. It fit the skin I was going for. Also look how the 4x blends in with the skin. This has been in the works for a long time.

Now all I need is a blue crosshair.

I wish I knew the MK47 was coming out.

Phone in headphone.


Phone call snipe (clip)

Phone booster activated (clip)

You can use all kinds of gift cards to subscribe, subway, best buy, Walmart gift cards. Twitch has over 300 ways to subscribe to a channel.

I think the new gun ADS speed is lower.

You know what they should do? Hear me out. They should come out with a Shroud Weapon Skin Package. Every single weapon. But it’s a gamble. It scrolls through 5 different weapons and you have to hope it lands on your weapon.

Shroud losing his mind (clip)

Plays 7 Nation Army song while playing Pubg

You know what would be even better? A shroud parachute skin.

(Turns it up loud) I can’t hear anything!

Thank you guys for continuing your gifted sub for 1 dollar.

Alright, I can hear again.

I don’t even know what silent is anymore.

Went offline at 2:30 PM PST

Chat set to Emote only – everyone asking “Is stream over? Is twitch down?”

Left stream for about an hour. On return Shroud playing

Rainbow 6 Siege 6:15 PM PST

Level 92

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