Categories: OSX

How To Install Symantec BackupExec 2014 Mac Apple Client Step by Step


OSX Mac Client Installation


  1. Log into the Mac you want to backup with an admin account.
  2. Launch the terminal (command + spacebar, type terminal, enter).
  3. At the prompt type in: sudo su root , then enter the admin account password (this password will be configured later in the Symantec BUExec server client configuration)
  4. At the root prompt#, type in: cpan
  5. At the cpan> prompt, type in: force install Switch — at the prompt type “yes” to agree. The installer should finish with … /usr/bin/make install — OK
  6. Exit CPAN by typing: exit
  7. Obtain the Backup_Exec_2014_14.1.1786_MultiPlatforms_Multilingual iso, or installer DVD image. Inside the extracted or unzipped installer image,  you will find a folder named LinuxMac. Inside this folder look for the RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-1786.0.tar file approximately 155MB. Copy this .tar (.gz) file to your Mac’s desktop.
  8. Double-click on the file to unarchive the gzipped/tarball to the desktop. You should now have a folder of the same name on the desktop.
  9. Back in the terminal, cd into the folder. For example: cd /Users/admin/Desktop/RALUS_RMALS_RAMS-1786.0/
  10. At the prompt, type in: ./installrams  — follow the prompts (hit the “Return” key a few times. This should complete successfully.
  11. Back on your BackupExec 2014 server, go into the backup exec server and then the “Backup and Restore” tab. Right-click on an empty space under your already-added servers and choose “Add Server”.
  12. Scroll down and choose “Macintosh Computer” -> Next.
  13. Place checkmark in “allow trust”. -> Next.
  14. Type in the FQDN (servername.domainname) of the server or the IP address. -> Next
  15. Add/Edit the admin/root username/password that you used to install the CPAN module. If you have Macs with different admin accounts, use the username and pw of the admin account but identify them differently by changing the “Account Name: ” and Notes. -> Next -> Finish
  16. This should insert the server successfully. If there is a problem with the Trust relationship it is probably due to a bad username/password combination.
  17. Setup your initial backups, select/edit your source(s) and destination(s).
  18. That’s it! Sit back and relax knowing you at least have flat-file backups, and in the event of a complete OS/Server loss, you can re-install the OS, then re-install your BackupExec client, then do a restore of your files and settings. Be sure to test your backups by doing a test restore.
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