Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Tuesday 7/17/18

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Thursday 7/12/18

All credit goes to https://www.twitch.tv/shroud

“2 hours left on ur TWITCH PRIME LOOT!”


Mike’s playing pubg solo.

Shroud’s skins today.

(Mike’s watching Troy all day today)

“It had to happen. I brought the water bowl upstairs. The dog didn’t come upstairs.”

New to streaming? Don’t try to force anything, y’know?”

Just9n heard Wadu’s real voice so let it be known, Wadu is a fake.

“300 subs!? Jesus! Welcome, everybody!”

“Alright, I’ll try to bring him upstairs (Troy).” “Alright, he found his water. Everything is ok. 40 more minutes until I give him his pill. (Troy’s sick) He’s learning to ring the bell when he needs to go to the bathroom.”

Test servers have a new gun, the QBU which is a DMR that replaces the MK14 on Sanhok

“Forget about the subs, your highest priority is getting the Deadmau5 skins.”

Troy has learned the art of humping. The vet said don’t neuter him for a year. Because he has a lot of German Shepard in him, it’s better. For being sick you sure like to play a lot. A kennel cough won’t slow down the broy.”

“You have all your toys. Why do you have to want stuff you can’t have? Little brat.”

“He definitely thinks the bell is a toy now. I thought about putting him in the kennel. It’s pretty scary when he’s in there. You guys would hear it.”

“I’m going to have to do it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have to do this. (put Troy in Kennel)”

“Cmon viss (killed by TSMViss) why you gotta do that? He literally tickled me and I died. Him being in this spot there was nothing I could do.”

Shroud tickled by TSMViss

About Islands of Nyne: “It’s good! It runs pretty good, 100-150 frames. But it definitely plays better than more BR’s. When you play Islands of Nyne, it’s pretty stressful. you’re probably going to get owned. It’s just a game really really smooth movement, gunplay similar to counterstrike. If you get caught out for one second.”

“(hacker/flying car stream-sniper “weedwizard” starts flying around.) Hey weed wizard! Oh no I’m going to get run over.  Don’t run me over! He’s hard to hit he’s all lagging around.”

Easy player report- Shroud vs Taxi

“I don’t think he meant to do that. He normally doesn’t kill me. I’m going to have to accept it.”

“ION solos are looking a little more fun now. haha”

“Twitch prime skins has been extended. You got another day. No need to panic.”

“I should play realm royale. I think I’m playing in that 100k tourney.”

“I hate the fog. If there is one thing I don’t like about this map is the fog (Sanhok). It needs to go.”

Funny grenade kill

LUL dono rhyme

Rook killin it on the vocals

Sooo many streamsnipers

Everyone dropped on same island, shroud gets a shotgun, and chaos ensues

“I can’t do anything anywhere I go. F it!”

“They need to put in a delay while you’re streaming live. That’s like a must-have feature for twitch. No one’s going to stop their stream, start a delay and then start their stream again – no one. Delays kill channels. Anyone can check the stream stats. You don’t stream with a delay unless you have to (in a tournament). You can’t do that. Delays are not real. I think I have a 12 second delay. Not by choice, that’s just what it is.”

Alhashmi99000 with the $500 dono

366 subs at 3.5 hours for a total of 45315.

Thinks he’s getting a bunch of subs from Prime Day.

“I have to watch this (death by ?)”

Duos w/ Just9n

“To Just9n: How was your chat with Wadu yesterday?” “What? He was just saying waduheck.”

“A little sell-out about me.” plugs all his links when scrolling down on his twitch channel.

Just9n: “You can hit 50k subs if you just bang it out today”

“I had a dream I met Hugh Jackman.” Just9n: “Is he like an idol of yours? Huge Jackman.” “He talked Australian; it was magical. I think I was on his twitter before bed. Nothing sexual I swear.”

Stuck at the bottom of the stairs – from J9’s feed

Snipe City Bois

J9 stole a Woman T-Shirt

Shroud tk J9

Islands of Nyne Duos with Just9n

Another $500 dono from Alhashmi99000! Total is $2500 for the day….

“I think he’s 2k off from highest donor ever (Motar)”

Alhashmi with another $500 and then another, and then another! A total of $4000 in donos today. “I don’t know what to say. You’re going right here (top of the donor list).

Just9n’s voice broke again today and sound all deep. “You’re progressively sounding worse and worse.”

Now another $1000 – Alhashmi is now top donor!

Rainbox 6 with Himself-Jager, ObiMeowKatnobi, TheShape., Axis.-, and Shroud as KeisezrG

“How is everyone so good at this game!!” “That peek was excellent. There is nothing wrong with the peek!” “He just like one-shotted me!”

“Ok I got the alpha pack, I’m happy with that.”

“I got no headshots that game.” “It’s either get headshotted or die to the zone in pubg.”

“My food’s here already (5-guys burger)? That’s the fastest delivery I’ve ever seen. I love postmates over uber eats. Part of the reason I still live here in CA. I have postmate premium so orders over $20 delivery are free.”

“Is CS 1.6 worthy of buying today? Hell yeah! That’s a legendary title right there.”

(Gets killed) “This is crazy. This is crazy. Crazy.” “I don’t understand what’s happening. Everything is happening at the same time. They were everywhere.”

Eats food (nom nom nom).

Missed last 1/2 hour of stream, let me know if I missed anything.

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