Shroud Twitch Stream Recap for Tuesday 8/7/18

All credit goes to https://www.twitch.tv/shroud

Started stream around 2:30pm

Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds solos

Stream title: “Unbanned Tomorrow!”

Shroud’s skins today

Opinion on Putin

I love when my feet are freezing. My feet are cold and it feels so good!

“New desk, new house? I don’t know where to put everything. I want to move in after the landscaping is done, after I’ve closed. Leave it in it’s box for a little bit. I should probably do that, that’s a great idea. My worry is if I set it up at this place, and then move it, and the movers fuck it up. I think that’s what I’m going to do. Leave it in it’s packaging.”

Alhashmi $500 dono. And another $500.

Flawks song and chicken dinner

“I feel like he’s using his stream snipe time effectively (Flawks).”

“I’m using a different keyboard than the one in the description below. I’m not sure I was supposed to tell you about the new keyboard I don’t think it’s been announced.”

“In 2 hours they have 3 hours maintenance – they won’t be live until 8:30? Resident f’n sleeper. Oh I’m still going to be banned. Maybe the 8th is their time, not my time. They normally do these updates a day earlier. Maybe there’s a chance I’ll get unbanned with the update. I think in Korea it’s the 8th? Maybe I’m unbanned? Should I check? I’m just going to ask (text’s someone at bluehole).”

“I wonder if it’s automated. Everyone is very sure it’s automated.”

Flick 2 – insane

“Did you get your desk? Yeah. You see the cardboard behind me? It’s an L desk – 72 x 72 x 30 it’s 6 feet this way 6 feet that way.”

“I don’t know what I’m doing with BFA.”

“Kenrick got banned. I know that.”

“So funny when he sleeps, he lays on his side, then on his back then on his other side. He’s slowly rolling. He does it enough times he ends up across the room. He falls off his bed a lot.”

“SLR is the best DMR in the game. Mini and QBU are pretty much the same thing. I don’t think there is a recoil difference.”

Video of the screenshot above with “Keyboard leaked”

“I’ll be un-banned tomorrow morning.”

“When I go on tomorrow I will have my berlin skins and all the other stuff.”

“Make the winchester – give it a 2x. That would be the shit. Only a 2x. I’d be down, that’d be fun. I don’t know why they haven’t done that a long time ago.”

“Oh god did the servers go down? Is steam down? Yep. Steam is down for routine maintenance. Why is the vector so strong? It just has a very high rate of fire.”

“Oh well just chat I guess. Do you like my T-Shirt?”

Shroud starts watching videos.

Byron’s new TV

Watches a guy dancing ron-cton dance. “Everyone loves that shit. Tripalosky”

“Grims gets like 13-14 clicks per second. I get 11.”

“Oh man, No Man’s Sky is farming. Oh lyric only streams 6 hours a day. Lyric got a code to play.”

Grimmmz shoots fast bro.

“He shoots much faster than me that’s for sure. Click speed just looks insane, but that’s not the impressive part. Most people can probably do 9, 10 per second.”

(missed a couple hours of the stream)

Rainbow 6 Seige – Ridin Solo

Rainbow 6 Settings


Shroud’s Level 82

Shroud’s Squad:

“That was a pretty good game for me. I think I’m getting a little more “comfortable.

“I’m going to open 50 when I get 100,000. ”

Comeback win


Shroud began to watch HyperX IRL stream

4091 Platinum II – I need 9 more points.

Alpha pack – is it gonna be a black ice?

left stream @ around 10:30pm w/ shroud still streaming R6 Seige.


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