Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Sunday 8/19/18

Stream Start 1PM PST

All credit goes to https://twitch.tv/shroud

PUBG Duos with Just9n


2:25 PM PST

J9: I neck shot him with the pan!

S: I wish I could swing while in the air. You had everything going for you there. I wish there was a mechanic like that. Melee swing. I was in a prime position to do it!

J9: I don’t put my number of wins in my title. I don’t care.

S: Viss has 2000. That’s a shit-ton of wins. S: I think I have 700. J9: I think I have 500.

S: There’s no way I have over 1000. You have 753. There you go. Thanks Chat. Good job everybody.

Skins today (sporting the twitch jungle skins)


re: WOW – I did all the mythics as well I just probably got a little more lucky.

By the way I’m only streaming 3 or 4 more hours. Taking Troy to the dog park.

Then guess what I’m doing when I get back? World of Warcraft! I’m addicted to that game.

Mobile games are not that sick. The quality streaming with 4G is shit. Looks like it’s 480p. I don’t know how to make it look better.

Edgimus thank you for the 10 gifts.

I don’t think my mom even has my address.

J9: I’ve been kicking my Ethernet cable waaaay too much.

S: It’s in a really bad spot too. You could just get a split from that other one.

J9: Have you noticed your donos have been less lately? Gifts has taken off. Instead of donating people have been gifting subs instead.

S: Something’s f’d up with my paypal lately. Like alhasmi said it.

eevisuu – who the f is that? What is your old name?

J9: I wonder if they’ll have weather at the tournament? Everyone will be a snake.

We’re doing the broadcaster royale thing.

My goal, my plan is to try to use a vector with a 4x. Use it like an ump. It’s probably going to be terrible.

It’s crazy how easy a 4x ump is. It’s one of the easiest weapons in the game. Vector’s going to be hard. J9: it kicks a lot. S: It’s do-able though. Burst shot. J9: If you hold it you’re going to lose it.

Speed Run (Clip https://clips.twitch.tv/CuteFlaccidGrassGOWSkull)

LUL! That was cool what you did. Looked so funny from my end. You can probably re-create that. I don’t care what anybody says that was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen!

Why is the new update not in this game yet?

This is hard, it’s not like an ump at all.

I wanna take that ramp. Barrel roll (Doing stuff clip)

J9’s POV of barrel roll clip

Shroud destroys guy’s face (clip)

J9: What the DC? I know but how am I hear?

S: At least we pulled some sweet tricks that was sweet.

This is definitely not an ump. J9: Yeah it drops off at range (Vector w/ 4x)

Vector sucks with the 4x. I can’t full commit with vector.

Got headshots FUC*ING HEADSHOT

Chicken dinner winner

J9: Stream sniped again! DoctorDocs, he’s a common one.

The vector is broken. That’s why I’m worried about the new gun. The high rate of fire.

J9: That’s why I’ve been using the UMP.

Oh I hold, (ADS) I used to just toggle. Now I hold.

Left Stream at 4PM PST

Didn’t get much this stream, sorry!

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