Use Powershell to Get a List of Users with Out of Office enabled in Outlook Office365

How to get a list of users who have enabled Out of Office in Outlook with Office365 PowerShell

For administrators of Office 365, you may need to occasionally get a list of users who have set up or enabled their Out of Office in Outlook. In my case, we needed to see which parking spots were available on campus in a pinch, and who was not coming in the next day. To do this with PowerShell we’ll need to first connect to our Office 365 Exchange Tennant.

  1. In PowerShell ISE, enter the following code into the code view, save the function as Connect-O365.ps1, and then hit the green Play button.
  2. function Connect-O365{
     $o365cred = Get-Credential username@domain.onmicrosoft.com
     $session365 = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "https://ps.outlook.com/powershell/" -Credential $o365cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection 
     Import-Module (Import-PSSession $session365 -AllowClobber) -Global
  3. Next, execute the new function with the following command:
  4. Connect-O365
  5. Replace the username and password with your Office365 admin credentials (not your on-premise domain credentials.) This will log you into your Exchange Admin with PowerShell where we can run our Out of Office commands.
  6. With authentication out of the way, now all we need to do is run the following command to get a list of mailbox identities who have AutoReply configured (and not disabled), and sort by Identity, Start Time, End Time, and Auto Reply State:
  7. Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration | Where-Object { $_.AutoReplyState -ne "Disabled" } | Select Identity,StartTime,EndTime,AutoReplyState
  8. This will run for a while, and could take several minutes, but should produce a list similar to the following:

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