Google Cloud Platform Overview

The pace of global cloud computing is continuing to grow exponentially. While Amazon still holds the lion’s share of cloud services, Google’s Cloud Platform has been growing at the fastest pace. In this article, we’ll first examine what makes the Google Cloud Platform different; provide you with a list of its components, solutions, and features; and finish up by discussing pricing.

Cloud Services trends and opinion

According to a Synergy Research Group study: “In terms of year-over-year growth, Google enjoys the lead at 162 percent, while Azure has grown by an even 100 percent. AWS is in fourth with a 53 percent year-over-year (YoY) growth rate.…

Read the rest of the article here…

How to run Mac OS X El Capitan on Windows 7 or Windows 10 – How to build a Hackintosh VM Virtual Machine

Here is a guide to show how to build an OS X El Capitan virtual machine that runs on top of Windows 7 or Windows 10. Thanks to this video, (where only the first 3:30 minutes are relevant to this guide,) I wrote a step by step solution to building a hackintosh virtual machine that runs on top of Windows. Once you have OS X El Capitan running on Windows you can easily build a bootable OS X USB drive to further install the latest OS X operating system on a normal Mac. Building a hackintosh may be against the OS X terms of use so I don’t advise selling such a machine/solution and this guide is only for your testing and troubleshooting.

  1. Download VMware Player from official VMware website (30 day free trial):
  2. Download OS X El Capitan:
  3. Download latest Unlocker app at
  4. Unpack Unlocker and copy to the same directory as your unpacked OS X El Cap.vmdk files.
  5. Run the unlocker file named “Win-Install”
  6. Create a new folder on the desktop and name El Cap Install Folder.
  7. Open VMWare Player -> New VM -> Typical -> Install OS Later -> Mac OS 10.11 -> Install to new El Cap Install folder you created. Store as single file -> Edit VM -> Set more ram and CPU -> Select HDD and remove -> Add new HDD -> SATA -> Use existing HDD -> Browse to El Cap.vmdk you downloaded and unpacked-> Keep existing format > Remove CD/DVD -> Show all USB devices -> finish ->
  8. Open the new Virtual Machine configuration file (OS X 10.11.vmx) inside your your “El Cap Install” folder, and open with notepad.

    vmx edit
    vmx edit
  9. At the end of the file add the line:
    smc.version = "0"
  10. Save
  11. Power on the OS X VM!

*Note, if you go on to build a USB bootable os x installation drive, after you insert your USB key drive into the computer, it may not show up on your OS X desktop. To fix this, click on the USB drive icon at the bottom right-hand corner of the vmware player frame.


Excel slow when entering or putting text into cells old version issue solved

You might run into the problem or issue where it’s really slow when a user enters text into an Excel 2003 2010 2013 .xls or .xlsx cells for certain files. This input delay may be due to and advanced cell fill feature that you don’t really need. You might want to try the following fix:

  1. Open Excel
  2. Go to File -> Options -> Advanced
  3. Go the the “Enable AutoComplete for cell values”
  4. Under this setting uncheck “Automatically Flash Fill”
  5. Click OK


Hopefully this will resolve the 3 to 4 second delay when trying to type into excel cells and you can stop going crazy haha.

Adobe Acrobat Reader prints page tiny small backwards in the corner solved solution

If when you print a page from Adobe Acrobat or Reader and the page comes out very tiny as an image in the upper right corner / left corner, you may need to adjust your print settings.

Go to the File menu, the click Print or press CTRL + P on your keyboard. This will bring up your print dialog box. Here, for some (unknown) reason, the checkbox “Choose paper source by PDF page size” may have been checked.

This is likely the reason why the page prints tiny even though you have selected “Actual size” or “Print as an image”.

This took a little bit of trial and error and testing, but unchecking the option “Choose paper source by PDF page size” fixes the very small image of the print job and will again print normally.