Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Wednesday 7/25/18

All credit goes to

Started stream around 10:30a.m.

PUBG Solos

Shroud: “I’ve gotta leave 4 hours ahead of time to get there. LA traffic rush hour, not fun. But going to be my first First Class flight. Most exciting part!”

Choco: I’ve never been first class you’ll have to report back. Shroud: Will do.

Choco: Did you watch Game 1? (Berlin competition) Shroud: Yeah a little.

Did you get the new sporty set (skins)? They inverted the colors. Black top and white tights. It’s cool I wish we got more weapon skins.

S: “Did you see the Dacia?” Choco: “Will be faster with the flames.” S: I don’t know if that’s how that works.

Shroud: It’s better to start on something less popular. They want to hit the twitch viewers. On Friday FPP starts. Choco: 3rd person is much more popular. 75% of NA games are 3rd person. In Asia, 98% is 3rd person. It literally makes less sense.

S: You gotta realize in Asia, not everyone cheats, but a lot of them do and cheat to see who has better cheats. Not everyone in Asia, but it’s a big mindset over there. That’s their way of competitiveness.

Steam is just the worst. The latest update is worse. They removed the ability to go offline. You have to turn off your steam overlay completely.

Duos with Choco

“After this game we are swapping back. This map is terrible (Miramar). Stream snipers are hiding, I’m so afraid!”

“It’s crazy how desperate people are for an MMO. Why is so hard to make a good MMO? The amount of money it takes to make a game like that is absurd. ”

Baby Rage

Choco: “Ow my ears.”

What the hell is Defiance 2050?

Why did Just9n shave his head? No it looks fine.

The parachute is cool, but you see it for like, 10 seconds. It’s the one skin that will work in 1st and 3rd person.

He shaved his head last night. It’s all gone. Should I do that? My hair grows really fast.

This is a laggy mess. (choco gets knocked) – I’m coming choco! I can’t res you. Put your ass to my hand.

Get some speed – Barrel roll!!

We hit 50K! Can I get an easy clap in the chat? Can I get an easy clap?

Shroud’s Suicide

EZ Slap



To Choco: “Did you hear Just9n shaved his head. Because he said if he got 3K subs.”

Shroud plays a little Miley Cyrus: Party in the USA

Get a helicopter to LAX? God that would be epic! I might consider this.

I have to go to the bathroom, but the dog’s asleep. But I don’t want to go because I’m going to wake him up and I don’t want to be that guy…


Missed about an hour stream ended with hosting Summit1G

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Tuesday 7/24/18

All credit goes to

Started his stream around 1:00pm PST

Duos with Dr. Disrespect

Doc’s and Shroud’s Skins:

Doc: “Alright let’s make this happen!”

Winnie Ownage

Shroud: “OMG there are so many people. People still play this map?” Doc: “People still play this game?”

Doc: “Your stream snipers are so much different. Your’s are like ‘Shroud! Shroud! I love you!’ Mine are like hiding in a container for 20 minutes then kill me.”

Rook LUL

“It’s crazy how bad the other maps are now that (sanhok) this one is out. They need to fix the other maps. If you bring the loot up to what this map has, omg that would be so fun.”

Doc: “You’re really cocky and it pisses me off Shroud.” Shroud: “That’s what everyone else says.”

(Gets killed by honker in buggy) Shroud: “Nobody ever shoots the streamsnipe honkers. Ever.”

Shroud: “My flight’s tomorrow. Stream tomorrow morning for a little while. Probably a 3-4 hour stream tomorrow. I’m leaving during rush hour. My flight’s at 7. So I’m going to have to leave a 3, maybe? I think I’m one stop in Frankfurt, and then Berlin. How am I supposed to my my connection.” Doc: “I’d love to see you in a full sprint.”

Shroud: “Were you shocked to see Ninja? I was shocked to see that.”

New house: “I wanna throw a home gym in the garage but Jess said it’s going to get hot as hell. How the hell am I going to get the AC in it.?”

“I hold ADS, not toggle.”

Shroud: I wanna find this LootMe guy and take him out of the game. Does he teleport? Doc: That’s him, that’s his pattern. Shroud: He has a pattern? Doc: He paid $999 for his cheat somewhere on the internet. S: So he’s the Doc protector? D: He’s not a protector. I killed him one game. S: how do you like the new car? D: It’s pretty solid. S: We’ll find one. D: I know you’re real cocky. S: We’re fine in this car. (They find one). D: What the hell is this? S: Have some fun, take some hills. D: OK S: Omg I wish they made it accelerate faster, it has an ok top speed, it’s just too slow. D: I don’t know what’s worse this horn or your doorbell. S: My doorbell is the Dr. D song. S: I got my car stuck. It’s perfectly wedged in here. What happened to your vehicle? Did it flip? D: yeahhhh…”

Shroud 1v1 and guy sings “Country road but replaces lyrics with “Wadu wadu waduhek.

S: “Alhashmi you’re a great guy you know that? Thank you man. ($500 donor) 32.5. I didn’t close a home, but I’m locked into a home, closing in a couple months hopefully.”

“Are we gonna hit fifty k today? We might hit 50k (subs).”

“The event in L.A. – those PC’s were pretty bad. Those were i5, 1080ti.”

“You know I’m about to have a PC sponsor soon. It’s exciting but I don’t know when it’s happening.”

“No QBU is terrible (new gun). There’s no point. On the other maps it would be fine. The map is small. Any gun works you can use an ump.”

“Can you tell me your life story?” D: A new command center in the arena. I might send you an invite.

S: I’ve just locked a deal in on a house. S: Man your first house at what, 42 years old?” S: F U, If you were to guess how much. It’s 4 bedrooms, but it has 2 rooms won’t be rooms, they’ll be lofts. So it’s technically 6. Alright, it’s 3.  D: what the hell do you need that for? S: will you quit dying? D: how big’s your yard. The whole lot is 10k sq ft. The yard’s probably about 5k sq ft. D: I’m thinking 1.8 and 2.2. S: you’re good Doc – it’s in that range. D: I’m looking at it right now on google maps.

S: It’s tough to win on this map, with all the snipers.

S: Dono question: Why is Doc such a cry baby? “He’s not. I don’t want to have to explain.”

S: Doc are you bringing your gear to berlin? Probably my headphones and mousepad.

S: Are you going to have fiber in your new command center? D: I don’t think so. S: C’mon!” D: I’m talking to google to get it around the infinity pool S: You’re going to have an another infinity pool? I’m getting a pool. That will be fun. No point for an infinity pool, stupid.”

S: I see your point, getting a pool is expensive, maintaining the pool is expensive. I guess it comes down to how much we use it. I seriously think I will use it more than a community pool. I agree, having a pool – it’s kinda sick. I’ve always wanted a pool, but I mean we’re probably going to have 4 people living in the house. We can also invite people on the weekend and actually use the pool. I said we Might have a 4th person. Jess wants a friend of hers to stay with us. Jess needs a broy as well. Me and justin just stream all day so..”

yes, I’m not a fan of twitch con because I feel like I should, but yeah I’m going.

Is it harder to buy being Canadian. It’s more expensive and I need to provide more information. That’s the only difference.

I’m thinking about maybe a dog/kiddy pool separate from the main pool, that would be fun. There’s a lot you can do with landscaping.

Why don’t you play some IO9?

D: I’m done, going to play some fortnite. S: I thought you uninstalled it? D: No I just got an 11 kill win. S: OK. D: Next time. S: Next time will be in Berlin! D: You better prep. (Doc leaves)

PUBG Solos

Q: Are you seeing D-Sync in top 10? “Yeah sometimes.”

Q: Will you stream the event? “Yeah I think all the streamers can stream. I don’t know if they have to, but I will stream, yeah. Mic quality won’t be as good, but I’m still going to stream.”

Apparently all the teams are listed on the website.

(Gets killed) Assassinated from both f’n sides…

50K hype: we’re getting there.

Q: WIll you shave your legs if I donate a hundred dollars? No.

The home, it may be difficult for a 3rd streamer to live there. 2 is perfect. But. I tried to line up the loud streamers, Justin and I downstairs, and Jess from time to time upstairs. Is J9 paying for the house too? Rent. I guess.

It’s actually hard to find a pistol on this map. I could do pistols only.

I think J9 would feel bad living in my house without paying rent.

J9 gives $2k donation. “Nice” “This is how he pays rent.”

“F’n troll dude. you know, donating to pay rent is really bad. Awkward for my CPA, but that’s fine. I’m curious, I want to log into paypal and see how much they take.”

“I can just refund it, and they don’t take their cut. Paypal is confusing; I don’t understand it. Hey man $200 is $200.” J9: “Free rent I heard.” S: “haha goddamnit.”

“I think I need to AFK, to send all these documents over. I need to send this ASAP to go through with pre-approval. If I keep playing I’ll forget about it.”

(Goes AFK working on banking stuff)

“I really like Shine Down. Shine Down is an acquired taste. At first I wasn’t a fan, but the more I listen, I’m like F yeah I like it.”

Back to PUBG solos

(Dono says) “4.20 dollars for every kill? F yeah I like this game.”

“Why did J9 donate 2500? He hasn’t paid rent in a few months so he just threw some money at me.”

plays for a while – afk

Shroud PUBG custom match

“We can do anything with these settings. Crossbows only. We can do anything (Match Settings). This is litteraly going to be R45 only.”

“Ok we’re good. Game name: why wont this work”. Password is 2222. (shit filled up fast). No helmets but vest is fine.

Hey Wadu got in! Floppy got in! You quick!

I don’t play any MMO’s anymore. I just been streaming a lot. That’s all I’ve been doing. I haven’t had time for anything else. I’m only interested in WOW classic, that’s all.

(gets killed quickly) that’s the problem with custom games. I wish I could get to play. (helps floppy – FLOPPY YOU”RE INSANE!

Shroud watches a bunch of twitch clips like the following:


biggest idiot

If I’m playing, I’m streaming

Crashing, running over…

A great day for the Doc

Oh Really

Wadu finds a chick

Business Offer


Shroud chats with chat

“If I was to live in another state it would be Texas. ”

“Closing date is in a couple months.”

“I want my first home, I want to go all out with it. It’s exciting because I get to do whatever I want. Because normally you don’t have a lot of land to work with. I can do some shit with my yard. No bunker. I’m just imagining fallout. Turrets and shit.”

Q: Have you ever considered doing steroids? No. No.

Q: Do you own a gun? No. I’d like to, but I clearly don’t care enough or I would have looked into it.

(Alhashmi dono: $500 – don’t forget the watch room.) The closet is the size of my room. One with a glass island where I can display my watches. I’ve always wanted that. I’ve seen pictures of that. It looks so clean. Glass island with the drawers.

I want to see hot ones – Kevin Hart catches a high eating spicy wings

$2k donos from Alhasmi today.

Watches another Hot Ones with Bobby Lee

And finally Terry Crews

I think I would die doing that, I cannot do hot like that. I think I would die. I would probably die. They’ve had so many people on the show and I’ve never heard of it. I don’t handle hot. I’ve never had hot wings. I like spicy, tapatio is great, it’s not really spicy. I can still eat I just wouldn’t be happy about it.

Is pubg up? Pubg has new stuff in it’s store.

Ok anyway I’m gonna call it on that note. I’ve been streaming 8 hours. That’s gonna be it for me, I gotta pack. I’ll do a morning stream. Thank you guys for watching. I’ll stream again Friday for the charity event.

Ended by hosting ShahZam

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Wednesday 7/18/18

Islands of Nyne Duos with Choco

Missed the first couple hours of the stream…

Shroud: “People say: mow my own lawn. That’s a good one.” Choco: “It’s not hard, take pride in it.” Shroud: “I guess.” “A roomba lawn mower hahah is that a thing? That’s dope! I can do that.” Choco: “Yeah I think it takes a while to setup.”

Shroud wearing a Madrinas shirt today.

I’m owning!

Shroud: “Does IO9 have leaning? No.” Choco: “Pubg is one of the only games I’ve played that has leaning.”

Choco: “One more last game?”

Shroud and Taco’s skins:

Shroud: “Imagine a BR without ADS, that would be a lot of fun. Just crosshairs like CS9. I’m a little biased though.”

“I think this is a game that would benefit from a good ping.”

Shroud: “The problem with this game is replayability. How to make it more fun. The core mechanics are unique. They gotta find a way over there.” Choco: “Yeah it gets a little boring.”

“Troy no no no no no. Well, he committed. Troy, you’re better than this. The dog just took a dumper. I was trying to get him to stop. Goddamnit man.” (Games some more… “He had a pistol!” “At least it was a log so I’ll give him credit. It’s a little baby poop. I’m going to take him out.” Choco: “Yeah I’m done anyway.”

Choco and Moses talking and playing Earthfall in background…

“I left that discord, I apologize.”

“Watch the Rainbow six video? Ok”

(Watching video LUL’s)

“That was pretty good actually. haha that was poggers right there. Haha. Oh man.”

“I want to play Rainbow 6 but I don’t know who’s also playing.”

Rainbow 6 Squads

Shroud’s Rainbow 6 crew:

MC_Jay444, I_am_ZAKO, Not.Ash-, Bnans, and KeisezrG (shroud)

“I’m so excited to get my own house I’m so excited! I’m trying to get pre-approved for a loan. I’m getting a load instead of buying with cash.” “We looked at some houses and narrowed it down to one in that model. A really popular one that might be gone in a few days. We’re hiring someone for the interior. We’re going to have a decent sized lot. These other homes are nice more modern and luxury but take a lot longer to be built. The other place makes all the houses and you buy as-is.”

“A thousand subs! Hey ya!”

He reached Rank 70

“I’m pretty sure I use muzzle break on Rook’s AR. (team agrees)”

“Is it weird I want to stay up all night?” “I just don’t want to sleep.”

Level 71 – Platinum II

“There’s a chance Plat 1.. there’s a chance!”

“Is R6 hard to learn? Yes. It’s better if you have a few buddies you can learn together. You have to lose to learn.” “Wise words haha.”

“I’m so slow.” “I’m learning.”

“I have a call tomorrow morning so I should probably not stay up all night.”

“I feel like I’m doing pretty good. We’ve won a few.”

Shroud: “Hitting people through rails is the worst.” Teammate: “That’s like my biggest pet peeve.”

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Tuesday 7/17/18

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Thursday 7/12/18

All credit goes to

“2 hours left on ur TWITCH PRIME LOOT!”

Mike’s playing pubg solo.

Shroud’s skins today.

(Mike’s watching Troy all day today)

“It had to happen. I brought the water bowl upstairs. The dog didn’t come upstairs.”

New to streaming? Don’t try to force anything, y’know?”

Just9n heard Wadu’s real voice so let it be known, Wadu is a fake.

“300 subs!? Jesus! Welcome, everybody!”

“Alright, I’ll try to bring him upstairs (Troy).” “Alright, he found his water. Everything is ok. 40 more minutes until I give him his pill. (Troy’s sick) He’s learning to ring the bell when he needs to go to the bathroom.”

Test servers have a new gun, the QBU which is a DMR that replaces the MK14 on Sanhok

“Forget about the subs, your highest priority is getting the Deadmau5 skins.”

Troy has learned the art of humping. The vet said don’t neuter him for a year. Because he has a lot of German Shepard in him, it’s better. For being sick you sure like to play a lot. A kennel cough won’t slow down the broy.”

“You have all your toys. Why do you have to want stuff you can’t have? Little brat.”

“He definitely thinks the bell is a toy now. I thought about putting him in the kennel. It’s pretty scary when he’s in there. You guys would hear it.”

“I’m going to have to do it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry I have to do this. (put Troy in Kennel)”

“Cmon viss (killed by TSMViss) why you gotta do that? He literally tickled me and I died. Him being in this spot there was nothing I could do.”

Shroud tickled by TSMViss

About Islands of Nyne: “It’s good! It runs pretty good, 100-150 frames. But it definitely plays better than more BR’s. When you play Islands of Nyne, it’s pretty stressful. you’re probably going to get owned. It’s just a game really really smooth movement, gunplay similar to counterstrike. If you get caught out for one second.”

“(hacker/flying car stream-sniper “weedwizard” starts flying around.) Hey weed wizard! Oh no I’m going to get run over.  Don’t run me over! He’s hard to hit he’s all lagging around.”

Easy player report- Shroud vs Taxi

“I don’t think he meant to do that. He normally doesn’t kill me. I’m going to have to accept it.”

“ION solos are looking a little more fun now. haha”

“Twitch prime skins has been extended. You got another day. No need to panic.”

“I should play realm royale. I think I’m playing in that 100k tourney.”

“I hate the fog. If there is one thing I don’t like about this map is the fog (Sanhok). It needs to go.”

Funny grenade kill

LUL dono rhyme

Rook killin it on the vocals

Sooo many streamsnipers

Everyone dropped on same island, shroud gets a shotgun, and chaos ensues

“I can’t do anything anywhere I go. F it!”

“They need to put in a delay while you’re streaming live. That’s like a must-have feature for twitch. No one’s going to stop their stream, start a delay and then start their stream again – no one. Delays kill channels. Anyone can check the stream stats. You don’t stream with a delay unless you have to (in a tournament). You can’t do that. Delays are not real. I think I have a 12 second delay. Not by choice, that’s just what it is.”

Alhashmi99000 with the $500 dono

366 subs at 3.5 hours for a total of 45315.

Thinks he’s getting a bunch of subs from Prime Day.

“I have to watch this (death by ?)”

Duos w/ Just9n

“To Just9n: How was your chat with Wadu yesterday?” “What? He was just saying waduheck.”

“A little sell-out about me.” plugs all his links when scrolling down on his twitch channel.

Just9n: “You can hit 50k subs if you just bang it out today”

“I had a dream I met Hugh Jackman.” Just9n: “Is he like an idol of yours? Huge Jackman.” “He talked Australian; it was magical. I think I was on his twitter before bed. Nothing sexual I swear.”

Stuck at the bottom of the stairs – from J9’s feed

Snipe City Bois

J9 stole a Woman T-Shirt

Shroud tk J9

Islands of Nyne Duos with Just9n

Another $500 dono from Alhashmi99000! Total is $2500 for the day….

“I think he’s 2k off from highest donor ever (Motar)”

Alhashmi with another $500 and then another, and then another! A total of $4000 in donos today. “I don’t know what to say. You’re going right here (top of the donor list).

Just9n’s voice broke again today and sound all deep. “You’re progressively sounding worse and worse.”

Now another $1000 – Alhashmi is now top donor!

Rainbox 6 with Himself-Jager, ObiMeowKatnobi, TheShape., Axis.-, and Shroud as KeisezrG

“How is everyone so good at this game!!” “That peek was excellent. There is nothing wrong with the peek!” “He just like one-shotted me!”

“Ok I got the alpha pack, I’m happy with that.”

“I got no headshots that game.” “It’s either get headshotted or die to the zone in pubg.”

“My food’s here already (5-guys burger)? That’s the fastest delivery I’ve ever seen. I love postmates over uber eats. Part of the reason I still live here in CA. I have postmate premium so orders over $20 delivery are free.”

“Is CS 1.6 worthy of buying today? Hell yeah! That’s a legendary title right there.”

(Gets killed) “This is crazy. This is crazy. Crazy.” “I don’t understand what’s happening. Everything is happening at the same time. They were everywhere.”

Eats food (nom nom nom).

Missed last 1/2 hour of stream, let me know if I missed anything.

Shroud and playBATTLEGROUNDS Squad Showdown Recap

Shroud and playBATTLEGROUNDS Squad Showdown Recap Twitch Stream

All credit goes to

Getting setup!

Downtown L.A. – “The warehouse.”

Shroud, Dr. Disrespect, and Deadmau5 showing up in style

First unboxing:


4 new Deadmau5 skins in pubg available on prime day.

Interview with Deadmau5:
“There’s a non-disclosed cash value on Shroud’s head”

2 million dollar prize pool in Berlin event.

For this event: No kill points, just top 14 to get into the next round. Players will play as safe as possible. First map is Sanhok.

Interview with Jericho – will be playing with Diesel and a random fan

Top 14 players advance to games 2-6

Round 1 winner (event28) – 7 kills

Prizes after every game.

Ludacris draws with Team Shroud!

Here’s where the network lag kicked in, pretty much unwatchable for 2 hours. Stream went offline, for a while only Shroud’s stream would work, then Choco.

Choco streaming

Notice team #13 – Shroud playing as “badshroud”

Round 2:

Shroud taken out with 8 teams left. (killed by skadoodle)

Team Smack wins round 2. (SolidFPS final kill)

Kevin Smith – “Trust me to die while parachuting. I don’t know what Flank is. My teammates just say “Nades”. I started new show “Hollyweed” – it’s like Clerks but in a weed store. I act with words, it’s been exciting.”

Shroud started to stream at around 2:30:

Shroud: “Delayed 3 hours and we’ve only played 1 game…”

Here’s his skin:

Lots of lag and dropped streams but came back up at 3:pm

Round 3:

Lurn has a gift for Mike

DrasseL kills Shroud with 11 teams left.

Choco’s team got 2nd

Shroud: “We got hit by the crossfire. Everyone hitting the beers, we’re over this… We’re having a great time. I wanna hot drop, no one’s hot dropping! We should get everyone to drop in the same place. I wanna talk to all the captains. Drink on an empty stomach. I’m doubling up.”

Chad: “Do they have Coronas?”

Shroud: “I’m drinking this, it is gluten free though.”

Just9n sits in front of Mike’s camera, leans into the mic and says “Ya fuckin freaks!” “I’m just saying if I was playing this game… Mike can’t carry these kids? He’s fuckin bad. I’ve just been standing like a fuckin pleb over there.” Clip linked below:

J9 Roasting Shroud

J9: “This is the weirdest setup for a stream I’ve ever seen.” “Bitrate is hella slow.” “I’m not touching shit, I’m just waiting for mike to get back. You guys want to hear a story? Mike didn’t win, he’s bad.” “It’s actually a cool event. I regret not playing in it.

Shroud: “Game time.”

Round 4: Miramar

Shroud’s team drops on Hacienda

Shroud kills Skadoodle (revenge!) but the rest of his team gets wiped out. Chad kills Shroud.

At 9 teams remaining, Chad is still alive (solo). But then goes down to Vissgames.

Doc’s still alive.

Shroud hangin with ?

Shroud (to Chad): “That was dope.” Chad: “I was one HP”. ?: “You died honorably.”

Round 4 winners:

Winners interview:

“1st, 3rd, and 3rd, we’re the most consistent team playing. Yeah I’m a fan of Deadmau5, play with him all the time.”

Promo: – stream on twitch, you have a chance to play against your favorite streamers.

Viss and UFC’s “Break a leg Silva”

Round 5:

Shroud’s team goes down after a solid showing. 8 teams left I think.

VissGames holding tough until going down 1 vs 3 to ??

Deadmau5 DJ’s for the remainder of the stream

Chad bouncin

Doc: “The 2 time yada yada alongside Deadmau5! Woo!”

Link to the full event VOD’s here.

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Thursday 7/12/18

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Thursday 7/12/18

All credit goes to

“We ffraggin?”

While AFK, shroud got big donations from Nepdoo: $1500 (Quality stream shroud4head)

chat blew up with shroud4heads

Question: is it easy to make money streaming?

“If you were to start streaming right now? No. It’s insanely hard. Once you get going and build an audience, you can do well. But everyone hits that plateau. ”

“That had to happen. Just9n said he is a beast right now. I can’t walk him for an hour right now”

Started streaming Islands of Nyne: Battle Royale

“Does this game work now?” (Islands of Nyne) “Servers are live. It’s been a while. It kept my settings, cool. There are some skins that they gave me. Where do I put the code? Maybe I put the code on Steam? Honestly, I don’t care.”

“Oh my god their map looks different, wow!”

“I feel like there are way more trees”

“(Game is lagging hard) I know the game is good, but I can’t play. Holy F bro. It’s only getting worse. I seriously think they got overloaded. I am so shocked that the game is still up. Problems will happen of course. This is the worst. Their whole team should be like ‘shut it down’. Hit the button. (Dies) Stupid… I hope they can fix it real quick.”

“Doc was in your game. I know, I can read” “I’m sad. It should be more polished.” “They tweeted out.”

“If they fix it now, great. If it continues to be a problem then that’s unfortunate. They have ranks for solos, duos, and squads; neat. Change server to EU? Yeah, why not? Might as well give it a whirl. Let’s see how it feels. Oh no (more lag) oh no. haha, oh no… God, I wish. It sucks early access don’t work on launch. I know the core element works great. We just have to wait. It’s impossible to play. Let’s try NA again. This is disappointing. Apparently one of the devs said in discord that it’s a problem with the server, not the game. I’m capped at 250 FPS. I’m chillin. I don’t know what to do? Play something else and wait? I dunno. I’m not streaming tomorrow. Did they fix it? Once they shut down match making my game was fine.”

“I hate how stupid the stance is. I mean really?”

“I”m going to wait. I trust it will be ready in 10-15 minutes. I believe.”

“Did you hit the Diamond level last night? No.”

“I have so many C9 jerseys. I guess I can give them away.”

“I like that there is no leaning. I think the best games don’t have leaning. It’s like a cop-out as weird as that sounds.”

While waiting, shroud hit the test range.

“What the hell my ACog disappeared. That’s a bug.”

“The stuttering has been identified and is an issue with VIVOX, our VoiP provider. We are working to disable it and a Hotfix will be deployed soon. Thank you for your patience!”

“Ah that’s good they found out the problem. I’m ok without voip.”

“I don’t understand Nades in this game, nades are weird. Right-click is underhand. Ooohhh that makes sense.”

P90 spray pattern: “You’re not going to be able to hold that!”

“Is there hit scan? Hit scan at 10m, projectile spawns after 10m.”

“It’s crazy how many issues there are with VOIP.”

“Check out Hunney’s link. If you’re in the L.A. area you can win a ticket to the PUBG event.”

Honey Kreygasm
Moderator6-Month Subscriber
Want to see Shroud (and possibly Troy) live at tomorrow’s PUBG Event in LA? See the general chat in discord for details! To join, link your twitch account to discord and allow for sync. Giveaway ends at 6PM PST
“30 to 60 minutes until Islands is ready so I’m just going to play some casual Rainbow 6. Casual up!”
“I don’t think pubg wants to show how many players for NA, EU, and Asia. I think that ratio is all f’d.”
Played a little Rainbow 6: “I don’t even know where I am on this map, I’m literally running in circles.”
Back to Islands of Nyne.
It works! Well kind of, the zone doesn’t work. You have to wander around looking for people. “The bug is fixed, restart the match. I don’t want to leave with all this loot. They’ve added a lot of stuff.”
Game seems to be running well now. “If you see someone jumping it means they probably know what they’re doing. It’s scary stopping. If you stop you die. Each game is very quick. Top 10 gets a little scary once the zone gets small.”


“You die so fast in this game.”

“Hey I got a crate! At least they have something! What does pubg have? PLEASE TRY AGAIN LATER.”

“I have no problem purchasing this game. $24. Crates are easy to get. There are pretty good skins in here. I like a pricetag on a game. I’m not a fan of free play. If you can’t handle cheaters put some money up. Cheaters ruin games. Epic had that problem, they cracked down on those cheaters. Pubg? Ehh. not so much.”

“My favorite place to drop is Harbor or Lagoon.”

“I like that you can’t hoard items. You can only have 3 grenades, three meds…”

“I feel like the FPS could be better. I swear it was better during the alpha test.”

“Looting mechanics are way better than they used to be.”

“I think 60 players is fine. If you’re confident at your game’s performance is good at 100 players. I think games would do better without 100 players”

“that was close…” And he gets his first Islands of Nyne win for the day:

Break time – take Troy out for a pee…

After break, tried to get back into another IO9 game but the queues were waiting.

“These queues are f’d. Come on let me just play one game here. It’s a little broken. The queues are super broken. You wait more than you play. It’s more competitive BR – like movement and aiming.”

“There’s a lot of loot, good fights. They need to make the start really fast. It used to run better like 2 months ago. It feels ok, it’s not that sick. Like I shouldn’t have 100 frames I should have 230. I just like how smooth it feels like in fights and gun-play. It feels like a serious shooter.”

“Overall I like the game but I don’t think it’s ready yet. Like competitively. Because of its frames.”

More Rainbow 6

“I played pretty good against those Diamond players, I’d say. – A pretty good game for me.

“Are you going to play Rainbow 6 until you’re unbanned? No, I’m still gonna play pubg.”

“I’m pretty sure that hacker got banned for a day. Maybe that was his first offense. He might be totally just be lying just to start shit, I don’t know”.

Here’s his Rainbow 6 team:

ObiMeowKatnobi, HannibalB, Macs_Miller, MC.Jay444, KeiszrG (shroud)

Shroud do you take drugs?

Shroud’s Rainbow 6 Level 66:

“Are you playing in the Squad Showdown tomorrow in L.A.? Yeah, I can’t wait to see twitch chat when I’m playing in it.”

Shroud and Just9n talking about a podcast – Just9n made a sketch of a tide pod and then the word “cast” for the logo. “I think we’re going to get sued.”

Then with OBS in both screens (shroud’s and Just9n) shroud started playing “Bustin” which repeated inception style.  (opened 15 youtube tabs playing the same song, then OBS with Just9n).

Ended stream by hosting Just9n

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Monday 7/9/18

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Monday 7/9/18

All credit goes to

Started stream playing PUBG – his character is wearing Letterman Jacket, blue combat pants, gas mask, and headphones. Played squads with ChocoTaco and Just9n.

Flying 360 M24 kill

DRICH is his teammate for the tourney?

Went on a rampage with R45 “Watch this 1..2…”

“That VOD had to get removed. (video on demand – a video of the stream.) Hiding questionable things. I got a slap on the wrist though. Can’t do it again.” (This is in regards to working with hackers to kills yesterday). “Yeah I got in trouble for that one, it’s not happening again.” “I didn’t do anything about the VOD I’m assuming twitch turned it off. ”


Has never tried Ghost Recon Wildlands because of 3rd person. “Kind of a meh to me.”

“Hey Just9n you want to return the favor?” “Please?” “I hate you as a human being.” – wanted Just9n to get his food for him…

“They got rid of melee – it’s just guns don’t worry about it. It’s just strange. A regular BR with just a voice actor. The culling. I will watch it tomorrow.” “We’ll see how it does as just a shooting game.” “I don’t know how I feel about Culling, they might have put a lot of effort into the game. I think personally they might be doing cash grabbing. Who knows it could be really sick. I think it’s 1st person only. It could be good!”

“I’m not too big into monster hunter but I will give it a shot. My only concern is 60FPS lock. Is it confirmed it is 60? I don’t care to play it if it’s 60FPS lock. No. No lock. Stop locking shit. I’d like to try it though because I’ve heard good things.” “I’m hoping it’s unlocked. I think that game can pull 100.”

“Am I excited for playtesting? I did research into the company to see what I’m testing, I have a game in mind. I wanna know. I’ll wait until tomorrow. I might go there tonight. I have to be there at 8:30 in the morning. After I do the test I can say if it was enjoyable. But I can’t say what game or what company. If I accidentally slipped on an NDA. If I openly talked about it then I’d probably get sued. But we’re not going to do that. Not for science here.”

“There’s no stream tomorrow. I have to take Friday off for that Tournament” “I’m taking 2 days off.”

“PlayBattlegrounds is the channel. I’d honestly rather not stream.”

Gets killed after dropping… “I wanna play Siege.”

“I hear you’re getting a Golden Retriever. Jess really wants one. I”m fine with it. Just not for this house, that’s the problem. Just the yard is the problem. If we were to get Golden we’d probably get a female 1 to 2 years, not a puppy. I wanna wait 2 more months. I don’t want to wait too long. Little puppy friend. He socializes a lot now anyway. Every weekend we’re going to make sure he plays with other dogs.”

Just9n’s voice meter broke and his voice sounds really low. “LOL I like the new you. LUL”. “That is f’n funny I actually prefer you like this. It sounds like you’re using a voice changer. I’m still laughing at Justin’s voice. I wanna hear more. I can’t wait to hear Justin rage.”

Fast clear during this chicken dinner.

Duos with choco

“I’m eating french toast again. Don’t judge… I’m so mad, I think I’m going to need a new mousepad. I spilled maple syrup. I’m sticking around. Ugh. God this is annoying as shit. It’s where I rest my arm.”

“Choco what do you think about Rainbow 6 siege?” “It looks boring, too steep of a learning curve. I’m sure it’s more fun to play than it is to watch. It looks like most kills are accidents in that game. When you get better at rainbow 6 it become a controlled accident.”

“Jukebox guy. I had this guy follow me around. Don’t kill him. (juke boy guy pumping “Bustin” then a country home remix, then rickroll remix, then All Star remix). Do you have any song requests?”

Wait, What? 

The Cross Kill with Choco

Shroud Flick/Quick Scope

Another chicken dinner with Choco.

Big donation by Alhashimi99000 $500 – we can now say that first one was a gift. Shroud confused by this. He’s about to pass Motar for largest donor – upwards of 26K.

Right after, Just9n just donated $501 with a message EZ (clap).

Break time for Troy @ 1:45pst – shroud hosted Choco

More Pubg solos

Troy sleeps in the bathroom at night

Has had enough PUBG for the day, going to play Rainbow 6 again. “I don’t even know what Terrorist Hunt is?” “OK this is just shoot bots and defend the defuser.”

Isles of 9 not friendly for a casual shooter.

More Rainbow 6. Playing as KeisezrG BlueTeam – with Macs_Miller, MC Jay444, Lil_Lexi and Bnans.

Going to Uber into LA tonight, get a hotel and wake up at a normal time.

“Troy wants to run around and be free. He doesn’t like being in this room. Ok you know what? Fuck it, want to run around dude? Go fly be free! This is a bad idea chat. House is gonna get rekt. I hope not. He likes shoes and wires. He doesn’t chew the shoes he just likes to walk with them. It’s weird.”

I was trying to have a good time, obviously I knew what I was doing, but it wasn’t a good idea. I got banned for a month. So I’m sorry for you guys that are really upset. I was just trying to have some fun… I can still play pubg, I just can’t play on my account.


Shroud Twitch Stream Recap for Friday 7/6/18

All credit goes to

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap for Friday 7/6/18

Started stream with Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds

Continuing his Sanhok Event Pass – he’s up to Level 22 – has one more challenge to complete – a wave-rail kill or something.

3x on QBZ works pretty well for him

High dono for the day: MrSissyPool – $200

Highlight clip:

The QBZ is Garbage?

On streamsnipers: “There are 10 guys who stream snipe but just die every game. They run at me just to get headshot and just die. There’s no way that can be fun. A few seconds later “foreskineater” shoots at Shroud and kills him. Shroud says “Thank you, foreskineather! Jesus, about time you did something!”

He’s “playing in a tournament next week in L.A., playing squads or something. Teams have Captains, you pick teams with a random person or a celeb or something. Has no idea who his team is. Thinking about maybe giving it to someone who is a dedicated viewer who plays pubg a lot and pay for them to fly out or something. Would be kind of hard to pick someone.” “I don’t have the details to share, celebrities will be there.”

Here’s the link:

“Choco’s a captain, chad’s a captain, can’t have just9n on his team. Might get two random people. Was thinking about asking Wadu or Bananaman. Wadu is older he might want to do it. Choco’s playing with boom, but he has no idea who he’s playing with.”

He’s going to Disneyland at the end of the month.

“When you’re in your prime, work as hard as you can. As you get older then you can live your life. ” (hums song from star wars) “Late 30’s don’t have to grind so hard.”

Regarding his desk that still hasn’t been delivered: “At this point I will get my desk when I’m in my new house.”

Sitting for too long? shroudbutt

Squad PUBG with Just9n and ChocoTaco – Shroud and Just9n arguing about leaving clothes in the washer overnight. Choco says they need couples counseling.

3-kill clip – !!!He’s Insane!!!

Just9n: People are talking about your hair, Mike. What did you do to it?

Mike: nothin, I put some stuff in it and put it up but not really…

Said there’s a chance for more shroud skins in the future (not the ghost) but something else, not sure what PUBG’s plans are…

Run over by ghost buggy

Played Duos with Just9n until 4pm.

Looked at Bless online – RIP – dead game

“Well BFA comes out next month – will I even play it? Is there anything that explains BFA and a reason to go back into WOW expansion? ”

“World pvp is coming back? Yeah it’s never coming back… They say improved PVP is coming back. Vanilla and BC was the only time world PVP was kind cool. ”

“War mode + bounty system is coming – bounty system sounds cool. Anyway…””I’ve played so many WOW expansions I just want a reason to come back – I don’t know. If you’re constantly getting kills, other people will come and hunt you do. kinda cool, don’t mind that at all.” And you get a bonus XP – pvp helps you level a little bit. Interesting”

Back to PUBG

200IQ Grenade kill LUL

Jess’s life now

Stopped watching around 4:30PST, let me know if I missed anything!





Shroud Twitch Stream Recap for Thursday 7/5/18

All credit goes to

Started stream with PUBG

Shroud wore Prison escapee black and whites, scarf, and glasses.

Last day / hours to buy ghost skins.

Played PUBG a couple hours with Just9n and chocoTaco then took Troy out for a walk.

PUBG squad highlight clips:

Where is he?

Troy eats the Mic  nom nom

J9 with the clutch

Trolling for ChocoTaco

Wado sings Country Home

Nice headshot

Eh eh where’s that nade!?

Told us the status of his desk:

Where the F is my desk?

Network Lag? PUBG down? Eat Pizza!

Pubg wouldn’t come back so Choco, J9, and Shroud all played Golf with Friends (including Wadu)

Finished Golf with Friends at around 2:45 and then started up PUBG again

Duos with Just9n

Mike said PUBG should have a way that you can save outfits, for example, “Beach outfit” or “policeman outfit”. So you can put together different items because there is soo many items in inventory now.

“Someone should try to make a BR game that doesn’t have points of interest. You can land in any area. Don’t give anything a name, everything fair/balanced but then it will make everything fair, I think.”

At 4:45p said, “I’m over it” and changed to SIMS.

Said he was looking forward to Proxima Royal but he never got to play it. Said no one plays it so he couldn’t try it. How did the game F up so hard? Does it even work?

He showed us his gun mug:

The SIMS 4! Continue the adventure of the BROYS. Said his goal is to play the guys until they die.

A bag of plastic melted on his candle.

Said his SIMS house is very big and he fucked up. Pro SIMS players were upset with his building structure. Mike in his winter jacket (Ace engineer), Justin is at work. Chad is at work, Choco, and Doc are chilling. He built way too big of a house and started with too many SIMS.

After SIMS he played Rainbow 6, his ranking is now Gold 3 or Gold 2

Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Monday 7/2/18

All credit goes to

“Battlefield V Alpha! Sponsored by EA”

Shroud started his stream around 10 a.m. & played Battlefield V Alpha as “KeisezrG” in a squad with Lirik, DrDisRepect, and TimTheTatMan90.

3 days left to buy Shroud’s PUBG Ghosted Crate for $9.99

“He’s Insane” Battlefield V poggers with Sniper rifle and pistol clip here.

Said sniper rifle is pretty accurate all you do is left click on his head. Said at the late part of the game with a bunch of players down all he can do is use the sniper to try to catch up.

He’s using 103 FOV in the game.

You can preorder the game by scrolling down in his channel, there is a link there

Said he would not be surprised if every other player on the server was a stream sniper.

Said he’s been using default weapons the whole time in the game because he doesn’t know how to change default weapons. But there’s only one sniper in Apha… Ok

People in BF end-game chat are trolls.

Said he doesn’t like the V1 (rocket strike), too much of a gamble – V1 is kind of ass… you don’t know how many points it is… But here is a clip of a V1 kill

Ninja and his friends were on the other team

Got 41K 10D poggers in a game and DrDisRespect said “WE JUST DOMINATED THEM!”

Uh oh Shroud said Troy is “obsessed with cables” – he completely chewed through the (USB) cable…

Next game was a defeat but he went 52 and 17!

Game after he went 37 and 20 and leveled up to level 12

He likes that if the enemy is low enough, and you knife them it doesn’t go through the animation.

There was a bug with the Sun and mountains that they got rid of.

Said Sniping is just too much fun he could just go back again and again.

Shroud turned on his Eye Tracker at around 3p.m.

@shroud, Mike is using the TOBII Eye Tracker 4C to track his eye movements on screen!
Turned off his eye tracker because some stream viewers were complaining of stuttering.


Shroud hired dog walker for today because of the sponsored stream.
Pilot Shroudie – forgot he was inverted


Missed a couple hours but when I got back he watched another sweet DEARSOMEONE Pubg compilation vid PUBG 1.0 Highlights – Episode 6 (Series Finale)


When asked why he wasn’t going to the gym anymore, he said he was going to the gym for 2 months, but then stream was doing really well he started streaming 10-12 hours a day. There comes a point you have to choose, do I keep doing my 8-10 and have a life? I decided I don’t want to have a life and just stream.

He used to wake up at 11-12. Now Troy wakes him up at 9, but today he woke up at 7. Now that he has Troy he’s waking up early. (Who hasn’t had an accident in a inside the house in a while btw). He wonders if he should stream at 7a.m.?

Hello Vietnam peoples! Hoooowww are you?

Hasn’t followed pubg mobile in a while.

He has new HyperX products linked on his page. Help a broy out.

Hasn’t learned anything on the guitar.

WOn’t be comfortable with a house tour, but when he has his own house, he’ll give a Setup Tour. Right now it’s slums, shit’s everywhere.

He’d go on H3H3’s podcast if asked.

He says he knows nothing about CS – he’s out of the loop when it comes to CS.

There’s one video that HTC Origins video that he played that interviews his Dad and played a little bit. He says it’s a good video, he doesn’ tlike seeing himself/hearing himself. Cannot stand watchign himself in an interview. But the video talks a lot about his life. Lookin at my stupid head, I can’t do it; I can’t. (everyone spams shroud’s face).

Shared a pic of Troy with 4th of July Bandana

Says he will never open a P.O. Box. His house is already filled with so much shit. He doesn’t hang anything. He has avengers, batman posters, but didn’t hang them. He’s not hanging them because he’s moving.

Antman is coming out Thursday the 5th, he might have to get some tickets.

Feels comfortable to own his own home, wants to buy another dog. Currently doesn’t have a yard, just a patio. So he’s looking at home with big property and big yard. He’ll ask Just9n to stay in new place but he’ll eventually want to have his own place.

CA is a great state but is very expensive. The house he’s looking at would be stupid cheap, 3000sq ft – millions – it’s stupid but dumb so you have to take it up the ass.

He hasn’t played a game for an hour and a half and he’s happy to do that just sit and answer questions. Texas is OK, doesn’t want to hate on TX, it’s OK. But like Florida? Cmon. Vegas – who the fuck wants to live in Vegas?

The only problem about living in CA is it’s too expensive.

Thank you Dearsomeone for your dedication to all those videos. He understands, he gets it. He’s going to watch the video again.

He lived in Toronto and Mississauga. He’s traveled everywhere, like 20 states. Has been to a lot of places in Europe. Don’t even talk about living in Europe, OK? No. Not going to happen. Only 2 places: Canada and the U.S. “EULOL”. Doesn’t want to live someplace that doesn’t even speak English. Doesn’t like winter. The UK? Are you crazy? UKLOL. Their weather is F’d. No don’t want that. Weather is very important to me. I’ve dealed with all seasons. Now that he doesn’t have to, it’s great. Every day I walk outside, “Sun”. The idea of snow is great. But doesn’t miss it. You go outside and you hate your life. The only thing bad in CA is it’s really expensive. The people are great. Get out of L.A. it’s f’n terrible. Food is great. Fires are great.

No I’ve never been skydiving.

He checked out FEAR THE WOLVES video: New Battle Roale from Ex-Stalker Developers- official Trailer (New Post Apocalyptic Battle Royale trailer) – he likes the idea. PVP – VR. Survival elements.

Watched video: The best play of PGI NA Qualifier match 10 of 12. – “That’s actually F’n insane. He naded everyone, That’s fn epic. Just seeing how much better. he’s really happy with the way they’re making it look. I also hope they’re providing the players with what they need (LAN). They’re doing good on Pubg spectating. I watched this it was enjoyable.”

“I never claimed to be the best, I don’t claim to be the best, I don’t give a f. I just play games to play them. I’m here to f’n stream; have a good time. ”

“Desk? I don’t know, I didn’t call them.”

I have my VR setup, I don’t know to setup my Mic properly. A small mic that latches onto my ear, but wirelessly.

Looked at weather in Toronto: for it being 10pm, it’s 85 degrees right now. “For it being 11pm.. yeah it’s hotter than where I am right now. My dad was txting me how it was 100 or some shit.” “The hottest it gets is maybe 90”.

You can skin steam.

Huntdown Steam Charts: average of 1600 players. I dunno.

Had a hard time finding Realm Royal in the charts – servers are down. That game gets like 40k players.

The beauty of Ark is mod support. A game with Mod support will Never F’n Die. Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds could be anything. It is a game that could literally last forever. It makes me mad it went back on MOD support. My guess is it will stray away from BR. I think that’s what they’re thinking. It will no longer be BR, people will stop playing pubg, and making it whatever they want because they can. Continue to grow BR, but at same time have Mod support. Or even make another client. Obviously it will bring cheaters. I dunno. They probably won’t, ever. 1.3 mil peak today.

Fallout 4 – I normally rock energy weapons, I try to get a lot of xp and join brothershood – prefer fallout 4 without the power armor.

“Jess wants to play Unravel 2. To play it we both want to have audio. I guess use VoiceMeter and plug in another headphone.”

Yes 8700k is at 5.3 (overclocked)

High dono for the day is agentlead $50

1166 subs for today.

Started watching a bunch of twitch clips.

Watched Fat Fuck Greek “cheat on diet video” – “Ohhhh nooooo”

Sodapoppin and Green IRL spicy chocolate. LUL

Choco video of him playing Trumpet “Music Lessons with Choco”.

Jess’s video of Troy but then Shoud and Just9n making weird noises in background.? What the hell were me and justin doing?

Everyone in the chat started posting clips

He watched a bunch of them.

Some crazy “Take on me..” song video with DEATH ending.

“WTF was that?!”

BDAY STREAM drinking w/ summit1g joshog & fl0m

When the drop is to much to handle

Can only get the titles.. going to fast…

Double Donger Sims video – JoshOG, chir exit, chair spins sooo clean.

Jess is scared to come in the room

The front panel of his USB panel stopped working. Someone suggested plug it into keyboard…

Jess wants him to import her characters into Shroud’s SIMs.. crazy.

Greek and Ape video (africa playing in background) they dance together – “that is gold” I love greek. Holy F

I’ve been streaming 11 hours –

shroud go to sleep video by lirik

Stay tuned tomorrow we’re going to play sims 4 tomorrow.

Peace out.

Ended stream with “John Denver – Take Me Home, Country Roads”

LOL false ending – fake stream ending – then he said “alright boys lets play some sims”.

He showed the Sims 4 loading screen for 30 seconds then went offline for real.

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3-Month SubscriberTurbo
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BEFooty BEFooty BEFooty BEFooty
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SubscriberTwitch Prime
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Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited Jebaited
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luckily i dont leave this stream wkwkwkkw, im from wkwkw land wkwkwk
SubscriberTwitch Prime
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SubscriberTwitch Prime
Subscribercheer 10000
waduGun waduSmile waduGun1
hes gonna get that back
3-Month SubscriberTwitch Prime
THE 2x
3-Month SubscriberTwitch Prime
:( :( :( :( :(

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