Shroud Twitch Stream Recap Wednesday 10/3/18 – pubg skins giveaway

All credit goes to

Stream Start: 12:00PM PST

Shroud PUBG skins and crate giveaway winners

These skins will no longer be available tomorrow.

Alright we got a working giveaway system.

Type Shroud and you’ll get an entry.

If I land and Die, you get my M16

If I land and last 5 minutes you get my gloves

If I land and get top 10? I’m giving away a

The code will never expire, you can do whatever you want with it.

I hope I die often.

Mother of DeSync (clip)

iMassii wins M16

On to the next, M16 is done.

Alright to make this faster, double digit kills is an extra skin on top of it. (Eg. Crate and Jacket).

Gloves given away to Deathy99

(Has hard time joining games … wait time 6 minutes…)

Gives another set of gloves to …?

Alright spam shroud for another M16 – Garasitit4 wins

M16 winner FLuXRiot

Dammit the servers are broken again. Stats don’t work. Nothing works in this game…

Can I be grandmaster? Are you kidding me? No f’n way. Maybe if I didn’t stream…

This is really testing my patience, holy f. Alright we’re going to give away another set of gloves.

I’ve lost my mind. We’re not playing pubg anymore, we’re just giving away everything.

Gloves – Winner: ValuxPT

Jacket – Winner: emerald3r

Mask – Steakintegral

BigBoy Crate – all skins – F0rsakened

Varsity Jacket – paus3__

Mask – Jummop

Jacket – tyazheliibolt

Gloves – PsyNytes –  (oh that’s my mod!)

M16 – HealthHzrd

Jacket – pepethesheepie (I like your name dude)

Gloves – beasysenpai

Mask – caped1kk

BigBoy Crate – (changed secret word to crate) NeverGonnaBeMLG

Crate – poretsky

Crate – OvernightGOAT4

Crate – ReitzTV

4 crates, 7 masks, 7 jackets, 6 M16’s, and 5 gloves left.

Gloves – j4stin

Twitch cucked me on one of the giveaways Deathy99

Oh another person didn’t get their codes either (scammed)

Gloves – PutDatCookieDown

Gloves – nausteezy

Gloves – fruitsalad5

M16 – laroidorigine

M16 – Chris318705

M16 – rossco123321

M16 – xesiontv

Jacket – peppegameing

Jacket – pusherb

Jacket – Fruitshoot

Jacket – madmidget321

Jacket – TAGamerOfficial

Jacket – pandashat

mask – tictakk95

mask – xhakura0412

mask – gamedaddi_

mask – JBigglesTV

crate – demolition_muck

crate – charlie_hazzard

crate – D_Ho

Alright we have finished the giveaways.

F – I accidentally showed 2 codes. I showed your code on stream, did you redeem it yet? We’re fine, they both redeemed their codes. I was going to paypal them both $50 alright we’re good.

2:00PM PST

Straw Poll – Assassin’s Creed Odyssey or Fortnite?

Oh it’s a bear boss!

This boar is actually really hard.

(Could not defeat the boar at level 12 – went on other quests to level up to 13 before trying to kill the boar again.)

Shroud horse RIPer

Ok I need to kill this boar. If I don’t kill him I’ll lose my mind. I will not be complete in life.

I think my game is bugged goddammit.

F’n finally!

Left stream for a few hours - Assassin's Creed Odyssey continued 9:54PM PST

J9 kisses Shroud(clip)

Reached Level 17

“Alright I’m going to entertain the pup, call it a night and be back in the morning.”

Ended stream by hosting Summit1G