How to find the Windows Experience Index in Windows 10 with Powershell

Use PowerShell to get the Windows Experience Index in Windows 10

Windows 7 has the Windows Experience Index which is used often by hardware techs to get a good idea about the kind of hardware installed in a PC. It also allows you to quickly find  where improvements can be made to get the machine to run faster. The following screenshot is an example of the Windows 7 Windows Experience Index:

You can get an idea about how fast the components of your Windows 10 computer are by running the Windows System Assessment Tool, but the readout is a little hard to understand. Skip this part (winsat formal) to get the Windows Experience Index in Windows 10 or Windows 7 with PowerShell below.

First open an elevated command prompt and run the command:

winsat formal

Below is a screenshot of the command running and it’s output. Running this tool will slow down your PC for a few minutes as it runs the tests:


The Windows Experience Index WMI modules are still available in Windows 10, however, the scores are not readily apparent in the Windows 10 system settings.
To get your Windows 10 Windows Experience Index subscores with PowerShell, first open up the Windows PowerShell ISE. Next, go to the following link:, -credit goes to reddit user:
*(as of 12/20/18 this code was no longer available on pastebin, so I’ve copied below)
$SysInfo = Get-CimInstance -Query "SELECT WinSPRLevel,CPUScore,MemoryScore,DiskScore,GraphicsScore,D3DScore From Win32_WinSAT"

    $SysParams = @{
                    Perf_WinExp_All = $SysInfo.WinSPRLevel
                    Perf_WinExp_CPU = $SysInfo.CPUScore
                    Perf_WinExp_RAM = $SysInfo.MemoryScore
                    Perf_WinExp_DSK = $SysInfo.DiskScore
                    Perf_WinExp_VID = $SysInfo.GraphicsScore
                    Perf_WinExp_D3D = $SysInfo.D3DScore
                    Perf_WinExp_AVG = "{0:N2}" -f ((($SysInfo) |
                    ForEach-Object {$_.CimInstanceProperties.Value})[0..4] |
                    Measure-Object -Average).Average
    New-Object -TypeName PSobject -Property $SysParams
Copy the code into the Windows 10 PowerShell ISE and then run the script, or create a .ps1 file, and you can get the Windows Experience Index with PowerShell in either Windows 10 or Windows 7:

Here’s my results

Perf_WinExp_D3D : 9.9
Perf_WinExp_DSK : 7.55
Perf_WinExp_CPU : 9.1
Perf_WinExp_AVG : 8.91
Perf_WinExp_RAM : 9.1
Perf_WinExp_VID : 8.9
Perf_WinExp_All : 7.55
Here are the scores from my friend’s laptop (thanks Stan):
Perf_WinExp_D3D : 9.9
Perf_WinExp_DSK : 8.15
Perf_WinExp_CPU : 8.2
Perf_WinExp_AVG : 8.09
Perf_WinExp_RAM : 8.2
Perf_WinExp_VID : 6
Perf_WinExp_All : 6

So you can see that in my results, my WEI score would be 7.5 – where the lowest subscore determines my overall result. Looking at the scores, I can improve my score and upgrade my computer by increasing the DSK (disk) performance. To do this I would probably have to upgrade my motherboard to one that supports an NVME hard drive.

My friend’s laptop’s lowest score is VID (video) which means his laptop GPU is keeping the score low. There are a few options for upgrading a laptop GPU, such as an external GPU, but this isn’t surprising as most laptops GPUs can’t compete with a full-sized computer and GPU.

Solved – Skype for Business 2016 emoticons missing repair without re-install

How to repair and fix Skype for Business 2016 by clearing the cache, and get back the emoticons which have been replaced by words in parenthesis.

For example, an associate sent me the following screenshot:

We can see that the emoticons  have been replaced by (rock)(dance).

To fix this problem without re-installing Microsoft Office or Skype, clear the Skype Cache by doing the following (which I found in an MS Support forum here.)

1. In the Skype main windows, click the gear in the top right-hand corner.

2. Choose File – Sign Out to log out of Skype for Business.

3. On the Sign In window, choose the link to Delete my sign-in info.

4. In the pop-up window to forget sign in info, click Yes.

5. Click the gear, choose File> Exit to exit and close Skype. Close all other Office Applications.

6. Go to the location:
C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync – you can get here quickly by going to Start > Run > %appdata$% > Enter.

7. Locate the sip_YourProfileName folder and delete it if it exists. In some cases, it will not. Open the Tracing folder and delete all files inside of it. Do not delete the Tracing folder itself. If you receive a message that the action can’t be completed because a file is Open or that you need Administrator permission to delete a file, click the Skip button. Close Windows File Explorer

8. Open a command prompt (in Windows, click the Start button, type cmd and select the command prompt from the menu. Type ipconfig /flushdns and press the enter key on your keyboard to clear the DNS cache.

9. Sign back into Skype/Lync.

10. Once Skype is open, make sure you go back into Gear > Tools > Options > IM > and place a checkmark to show emoticons again.

11. Test to see if the emoticons have returned!

If all else fails, you might want to completely uninstall Office and/or Skype for Business, delete the Appdata\Local\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync folder completely, and then re-install again. But hopefully, this procedure will save you some time.

Lastly, a user comment below has had success with several people (thanks Chris!)

Set DisableRicherEditCanSetReadOnly to 1 in regedit 
path: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Lync\

Always, back up the registry key before you change anything in the registry. 

Use Powershell to Get a List of Users with Out of Office enabled in Outlook Office365

How to get a list of users who have enabled Out of Office in Outlook with Office365 PowerShell

For administrators of Office 365, you may need to occasionally get a list of users who have set up or enabled their Out of Office in Outlook. In my case, we needed to see which parking spots were available on campus in a pinch, and who was not coming in the next day. To do this with PowerShell we’ll need to first connect to our Office 365 Exchange Tennant.

  1. In PowerShell ISE, enter the following code into the code view, save the function as Connect-O365.ps1, and then hit the green Play button.
  2. function Connect-O365{
     $o365cred = Get-Credential [email protected]
     $session365 = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri "" -Credential $o365cred -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection 
     Import-Module (Import-PSSession $session365 -AllowClobber) -Global
  3. Next, execute the new function with the following command:
  4. Connect-O365
  5. Replace the username and password with your Office365 admin credentials (not your on-premise domain credentials.) This will log you into your Exchange Admin with PowerShell where we can run our Out of Office commands.
  6. With authentication out of the way, now all we need to do is run the following command to get a list of mailbox identities who have AutoReply configured (and not disabled), and sort by Identity, Start Time, End Time, and Auto Reply State:
  7. Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | Get-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration | Where-Object { $_.AutoReplyState -ne "Disabled" } | Select Identity,StartTime,EndTime,AutoReplyState
  8. This will run for a while, and could take several minutes, but should produce a list similar to the following:

How to setup PFSense with the new Secure and Private CloudFlare DNS

How to setup pfSense with free Secure and Private DNS

You’re probably aware by now that Cloudflare and APNIC has begun to provide secure and private DNS – DNS over HTTPS (DOH), to the general public. You can learn more and read about the initiative here. This article will give a brief summary of why this is important, and how to configure your pfSense router to use these new addresses and disseminate them to your network clients.

By default, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will provide your router with it’s own list of DNS server IP addresses when you first connect your device to the internet. DNS is used to find websites, and essentially only translates IP addresses to domain names and vice-versa. However, these DNS IP addresses provided by your ISP may also be running on servers that nefariously log and record your internet browsing history. In some cases, these servers may go so far as to even inject advertisements into your web browser whether or not you’d like to see those ads.

By changing your router and/or computer to use or as it’s DNS resolver, you bypass your ISP’s DNS servers, and get a secure and private response from Cloudflare. Cloudflare has a configuration page guide for IOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, Linux, and a Router here. Follow the procedure below on how to setup a pfSense firewall/router to use DNS for it’s queries, as well as set your pfSense’s DHCP Server service to broadcast the new DNS IP addresses to your network clients.

  1. Login to your pfSense firewall by pointing your web browser of choice to the login page (usually this is your Default Gateway IP Address).
  2. At the Status / Dashboard page, in the upper left-hand menu, click System > General Setup
  3. Next, under DNS Server Settings, change the DNS servers in the first two fields to and respectively. Optionally, you can add as a third IP address to use Google DNS in the event that the CloudFlare servers are unavailable, or are taken down by the government. It’s also a good idea to uncheck “Allow DNS server list override”. Once these changes have been made, scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Save
  4. Next, if our pfSense is also being used as a DHCP server, we also want our clients to get these IP addresses for their DNS server settings. To do so, at the top of the pfSense settings menu, click Services > DHCP Server
  5. In the DHCP Server settings, scroll down to Servers, and edit the DNS servers to contain the two new cloudflare DNS servers, ( and, as well as Google’s, if desired. Next, scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Save.
  6. Now would be a good time to restart your client computers to pick up the new IP address settings. You can confirm your computers have received the new IP addresses by opening a command prompt and issue the command:
  7. ipconfig /all | more

    This will give you something like the following information:

  8. As you can see our client has recieved the correct IP address from our pfSense DHCP server.
  9. To confirm our computer is actually getting it’s DNS queries from CloudFlare (, we can issue a new command in the command prompt:

    And we can find in our results that the responding server is named, and it’s address is

In order to test that your DNS queries are indeed secure, you can use the link posted by John in the comments; thanks, John!


Amazon Workspaces – Overview, Proof of Concept, and Pricing

Overview and Whitepaper:

Using the AWS Management Console, you can deploy high-quality cloud desktops for any number of users.

Strategies and Challenges for IT who deploy desktops (whitepaper):

Strategy challenges:

  • Timely employee request fulfillment
  • Supporting contractors and temporary staff with a productive workspace
  • Merger and acquisition assistance
  • Increased application development and engineering activity
  • Provide and manage temporary desktops

Greatest Challenges:

  • Security of endpoints
  • Threat Detection/Prevention
  • Corporate file access and protection
  • Improve collaboration
  • Maintain compliance
  • Complexity of technology
  • Managing a heterogeneous device environment
  • SSO to corporate apps
  • Rogue employee devices
  • Rogue applications housing corporate data
  • Supporting LOBs and executive devices and apps

On Premises Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (For example building Terminal Server VDI’s or Citrix)

Upsides to On Premises Virtual Desktop Infrastructure:

  • Simplified management, centralized, hosted, managed, executed
  • Efficient provisioning and de-provisioning with standardized images allowing quick revoking of access
  • Centralized image management, proactive detection, rapid quarantine of suspicious behavior

Downsides to VDI:

  • Complex infrastructure that is difficult for IT to plan, configure, manage, and maintain.
  • Unfavorable economics that tip ROI equation in the wrong direction with un-utilized capacity, heavy upfront costs and cumbersome ops.
  • Unpredictable global access based on proximity of users due to low network bandwidth and unacceptable latency
  • Time-consuming implementations that involve multiple IT disciplines and months of planning, testing, and staging of infrastructure.
  • Difficult root cause analysis among multiple IT teams.

Amazon Workspaces Desktop as a Service a Viable alternative to VDI (Hosted Desktop Service)

Employee Benefits:

  • Employees not tethered to traditional desktops or laptops.
  • No cumbersome VPN connections
  • Increased collaboration and communication with simplified virtual workspaces

Business Benefits:

  • Rapid scale up or down; new employees, mergers and acquisitions, global growth
  • Integrate, consolidate, and deliver services and apps
  • Reduce capital expenditures, operational costs and streamline IT maintenance and infrastructure management

IT Benefits

  • Ability to meet security policy requirements and compliance standards by using protocols to compress, encrypt, and encode data so only images are transmitted and data no longer resides on local devices.
  • Enables creation of developer-style environments, granting developers quick an secure access to end-user environments for seamless dev testing, without impeding user productivity.
  • Allows devs to move fast and fail fast with access to desktop resources when they need them.
  • Keeps business data secure, centrally managed, and accessible to users.
  • Places productive workspace in the hands of end-users near instantaneously, while supporting secure access from multiple device types.
  • Manages apps centrally with the ability to securely package, deploy, and maintain a productive user environment.
  • Deliver a productive environment for users without the task of configuring a desktop asset.

Proof of Concept 

*Note, our org already has a VPN connection between Amazon AWS and our On-Prem domain and domain controllers. This allows me to find our domain with Amazon’s connector. Review the Architectural Diagram below to ensure you’re comfortable with how Workspaces can fit into your AWS presence and VPC’s.

  1. Log into AWS, > Workspaces > Get started
  2. Create AD connector (use Administrator account to connect) – also add WorkDocs Sync feature
  3. Create New Workspace > Choose Directory ( > search for user > jcoltrin (username: domain\jcoltrin) > add selected > Next > Select: Standard with Windows 7 (later I will add MS volume license for Office and other applications and then create an image.)
  4. I choose Performance: 2 vCPU, 7.5 GiB Memory – Hourly
  5. Download the Workspaces client here:

I sent myself the connection email which looks like the following:


Dear Jason,

A new Amazon WorkSpace has been provided for you. Follow the steps below to quickly get up and running with your WorkSpace:

1. Download and install a WorkSpaces Client for your favorite devices:

2. Launch the client and enter the following registration code: XXxxXX+xxXXxx

3. Login with your Network/Domain password. Your username is jcoltrin

If you have any issues connecting to your WorkSpace, please contact your administrator.


Amazon WorkSpaces


After verifying the registration code, log into the new virtual workspace with your domain credentials:

After logging in you may receive the following notice if resuming the workspace:

After logging in I received the following desktop:

Notice the following in the desktop image:

  • Network Drives mapped
  • Local and Remote Printers are created
  • Corporate desktop background
  • The computer is now a member of the domain with the computer name IP-AC1F5261
  • Icons available for AWS applications and Directory Sync (share files with my local workstation)

Finalizing for Production and Production Notes:

  • Finalize image with all necessary applications and test. Build your gold Images
  • Enlist a user to test running the workspace in production and adjust applications/workspace as necessary
  • Deploy to a set of users.
  • Rent before buy, buy before build.
  • Aligned with cloud technology
  • Builds on existing AWS infrastructure
  • Straightforward architecture
  • Give it to users and see how they like it
  • Multi-Region vs Single Region – within each region are availability zones. One workspace is not available in all regions. When building VPC, figure out which subnets support workspaces.
  • Subnets are fixed, build to allow for growth.
  • Workspaces are attached to AD connectors. You cannot move an old Workspace between AD Connectors. If availability zone becomes unavailable, then workspaces are unavailable. Use multiple availability zones to allow for this.
  • Only allow windows devices with certificates to connect. Etc. You’re going to have several AD connectors. Have a production AD connector and a testing AD Connector. Setup pure sandbox somewhere else for testing.
  • Each AD connector drops the computer into single OU, options are separate AD connector per department. Eg. Only accounting can connect from a certain dept. Or you cannot auth from outside, only on-prem. Create AD connector for consultants which drop them into separate subnet, monitoring.
  • Workspaces IP addresses stay there forever. IP addresses persist on rebuild etc. Cannot assign IP’s.
  • One VPC for workspaces.
  • Better segregation between work and personal side of things. BYOD is nice – pane of glass. Devs have good separation.
  • This gets Windows on Mac better than bootcamp
  • Reduced operational overhead, light-weight devices, drop them in mail ready to go. Send the registration code. People are lining up to get onboard. Tougher to please users are ecstatic about workspaces. Once implemented, IT itself will not go back to before.
  • Run pilots.
  • Replace end-of-life desktops
  • Great for Mergers and acquisitions
  • Users could connect with Zero client at the office and Home computer at home
  • Allow deployment of Zero clients in all facilities and retrofits
  • Hoteling/shared workspace areas. Smaller sites only need internet connectivity, not a WAN-enabled site.
  • Scalable and global
  • No upfront CapEx
  • Capacity-on-demand
  • Rate of innovation – customers drive features at Amazon
  • Instrumentation and controls – complexity and cost of on-prem is daunting
  • Cost savings – financial benefits – get out of the business of providing physical PC’s, building and configuring VDI service is complicated and costly, focus on service not infrastructure.
  • Workspaces API & CLI integration
  • Same image/applications leverage multiple Geos, ability to grow into other areas
  • Having desktop in cloud allows patch compliant capacities
  • Enabling support staff opportunities – support users all over world, help desk reps
  • Enable end users – automate the whole thing & allow user to migrate their data.


There are two main options for Workspaces, Monthly pricing and Hourly Pricing.

At 160 hours per month, a “Performance-grade” workspace under the Hourly Pricing model would cost $7.25 + $0.57/hour = $98.45.

The same “Performance-Grade” workspace under the “Monthly” pricing would cost $55.

$55 x 12 months = $660

A new Dell 7050 PC typically costs $800

So it would take approximately 1 1/2 years of monthly payments to reach the cost of a normal desktop PC.

Hardware Options

Value Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
1 vCPU, 2 GiB Memory 80 GB 10 GB $25 $7.25/month + $0.22/hour
1 vCPU, 2 GiB Memory 80 GB 50 GB $28 $9.75/month + $0.22/hour
1 vCPU, 2 GiB Memory 80 GB 100 GB $31 $13/month + $0.22/hour
1 vCPU, 2 GiB Memory 175 GB 100 GB $36 $19/month + $0.22/hour
Standard Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
2 vCPU, 4 GiB Memory 80 GB 10 GB $33 $7.25/month + $0.30/hour
2 vCPU, 4 GiB Memory 80 GB 50 GB $35 $9.75/month + $0.30/hour
2 vCPU, 4 GiB Memory 80 GB 100 GB $38 $13/month + $0.30/hour
2 vCPU, 4 GiB Memory 175 GB 100 GB $44 $19/month + $0.30/hour
Performance Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
2 vCPU, 7.5 GiB Memory 80 GB 10 GB $55 $7.25/month + $0.57/hour
2 vCPU, 7.5 GiB Memory 80 GB 50 GB $57 $9.75/month + $0.57/hour
2 vCPU, 7.5 GiB Memory 80 GB 100 GB $60 $13/month + $0.57/hour
2 vCPU, 7.5 GiB Memory 175 GB 100 GB $66 $19/month + $0.57/hour
Power Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
4 vCPU, 16 GiB Memory 80 GB 10 GB $70 $7.25/month + $0.68/hour
4 vCPU, 16 GiB Memory 80 GB 50 GB $72 $9.75/month + $0.68/hour
4 vCPU, 16 GiB Memory 80 GB 100 GB $74 $13/month + $0.68/hour
4 vCPU, 16 GiB Memory 175 GB 100 GB $78 $19/month + $0.68/hour
Graphics Root Volume User Volume Monthly Pricing Hourly Pricing
8 vCPU, 15 GiB Memory, 1 GPU, 4 GiB Video Memory 100 GB 100 GB $22/month + $1.75/hour
Additional Storage $0.10/GB


Overall, I really like Workspaces, it was simple to setup and run. I believe the remote workspace from AWS can work very well for the enterprise and provides a flexibility to expand, create different images for different users easily and keep  data safe at AWS by only sending graphics/pixels over the wire. People can use their own BYOD devices such as Chromebooks etc. to perform their jobs.

The only drawback I’ve encountered is workspaces does not provide a pass-through video / camera devices for Skype video calls. If a user needs to use Skype or other video conferencing, they will have to start their call “outside” of Workspaces.

Let me know what you think about the product and this write-up.

How to clone a Dell Optiplex 7050 M.2 NVME Hard Drive with Clonezilla and an External USB HDD

I ran into trouble when trying to clone a new Optiplex 7050. My normal procedure for cloning with clonezilla required a little tweaking to accommodate Windows 10, UEFI, NVME M.2, Secure Boot, and RAID On. Follow the procedure below to clone your systems on these newer hard drives and BIOS versions.

As a side thought, I enjoy using Clonezilla and have used it for many years. I love the convenience of it and not having to manage Windows images with something like SCCM. While SCCM has a place in some organizations, I believe it’s perfectly fine to use Clonezilla to create OS images of different models of computers. I have approx 15 different OS images; everything from Lenovo laptops to Dell Optiplex 380’s to Optiplex 7050’s.


  • 1 x USB 2.0 or 3.0 USB thumb drive min 2GB capacity for the clonezilla bootable USB drive made bootable to 20170905-zesty version of clonezilla
  • 1 x USB 3.0 USB External HDD with a minimum HDD size that is larger than the TOTAL size of your M.2 NVME HDD. (I use a 4 TB Western Digital My Passport) – In my previous experience with Clonezilla, it has created images only writing images of the Used Space on the Source HDD, in this case with UEFI / NVME HDD’s, the image created on disk is the total size of the NVME drive.
  • 2 x Dell Optiplex 7050 (Source and Target) computers
  • 1 x Separate PC or laptop you can use to create a bootable USB Clonezilla Thumb Drive

1. Configure your Source Windows 10 Dell Optiplex 7050 machine as necessary. Install all applications, create user accounts, and uninstall bloatware. Make sure you create an administrator user account and password. In final preparation for cloning, either run Sysprep (found in C:\Windows\System32\Sysprep), or alternatively ensure you shut down Windows 10 completely by creating a Shutdown /s /t 0 shortcut and executing it.

2. On a separate PC, download Rufus which we’ll use to create a bootable USB thumb drive.

3. On a separate PC, download the AMD64 version of alternative (Ubuntu-based) as outlined on the Clonezilla website (this version is required for newer BIOS’):

4. Change the file type to ISO and hit Download.

5. Attach your USB thumb drive into your separate computer, run Rufus, tell Rufus to use the drive you just attached under Device, point Rufus ” to the .iso file you just downloaded.

6. Hit Start and the bootable USB thumb drive with Clonezilla will be created.

7. On the Source computer, insert the USB thumb drive into one of the front panel’s top (black) USB ports, and insert the USB External HDD separately into the Blue USB 3.0 port. Attach the keyboard, mouse, power, and monitor.

8. Power on the Source computer and start mashing the F12 key on the keyboard to get to the one-time boot menu.

9. Before we begin, we need to make sure clonezilla can find our NVME HDD. By default UEFI and Secure Boot will be enabled. We need to disable these as well as Boot Path Security so that we can continue.

10. Select Setup from the Boot Menu:

11. In the BIOS, under the General Heading, select UEFI Boot Path Security and change it from Always to Never.

12. Next change System Configuration > SATA Operation from RAID On to AHCI

13. Lastly, change Secure Boot > Secure Boot Enable “Enabled” to “Disabled”

Apply, Save and Exit the BIOS. On the next boot, start mashing the F12 key again and this time select UEFI: USB DISK 2.0 PMAP

Clonezilla will boot from the USB drive so choose the default (hit Enter):

Select English > Don’t touch keymap > Start Clonezilla > device-image (Ok)

Under Mount Clonezilla image directory, choose Local_dev (Ok)

Press Enter to continue.

Review the clonezilla Scan disk preview to ensure it’s found both your Source and Target hard drives:

Press Ctrl-C to continue.

Arrow down and select your large external USB hard drive (sda1) to set the location of /home/partimg . This is where the clone image will be stored.

In the Directory Browser, hit “Browse” and go to your Parent Directory (top-most level) and select Done. This is where your image will be saved. You can see in my screenshot I’ve already saved an image here.

You will get a Summary location of Source (dev/sda1) and Target (/home/partimag). Press Enter to continue.

Choose Beginner mode

Choose Save Disk (Save_local_disk_as_an_image) – in my previous experience with Clonezilla, using normal spinning HDD’s and even SSD’s, I’ve used Samba to save my images to a separate server over the network using gigabit ethernet perfectly fine. However, in the case of these new computers and hard drives, I would get a permissions error when selecting SAMBA/SMB 2.1. The imaging would begin to take place and a couple smaller partitions would copy, but as soon as the primary large partition started it’s copy, I would get the permission error and the clone would halt. This is why we are using a local external USB hard drive.

Give a descriptive name for the image (Dell7050_NVME_256GB_DATE-IMG) hit OK.

Select the local disk as source (should only be one here)

Select -sfsck (Skip Checking)

Select Yes, check the saved image

Select -senc Not to encrypt the image (or encrypt if desired)

Select Action to perform when everything is finished: -p power off.

Press Enter to continue, (Yes/Yes) – the image process will run and the image of the Source PC will be written to the External USB HDD. The machine should shut down when complete.

Image Target Computer

Now that we have our image saved on our external HDD, we can image our Target PC. On the powered-off PC, Connect the USB thumbdrive, External HDD, keyboard, mouse, and monitor, and again Boot into the BIOS.

On the new target computer, we want to again change the BIOS settings to mirror those we made in steps 11., 12., and 13.

After saving the BIOS, restart and hit F12 again, select the USB thumb drive, and boot Clonezilla.

Start Clonezilla > Device Image > Local_dev > select image repository (sda1) > in Directory Browser, browse to the image we created, highlight it and select Done:

Choose Beginner Mode > Restore Disk:

Choose the image to restore:

Select the target disk to restore onto (Should only be one listed here):

Select “Skip checking the image before restoring” > poweroff > Enter >

Heed the warning here. If important data is on the target disk, do not proceed. All data will be overwritten:

Hit y (enter) > y (enter) >

Partclone will run, clone the image to your disk, then shut down:

With the system powered down, remove your external HDD and boot thumb drive.

Power on the newly-imaged PC, hit the F12 button to go into the BIOS again. Reverse the changes made in steps 11, 12, and 13. Save the BIOS settings, and boot normally into windows. Congrats, you’re done! Hope this helps someone clone their newer systems with Clonezilla.

Solved – Dell Latitude 7370 cannot login to domain – No Logon Servers available

Solved – Windows 7 – WiFi login: There are currently no logon servers available to process your logon request.

I had an associate drop a Dell Latitude 7370 laptop on my desk saying he cannot print. I found that the user is able to logon to local workstation desktop using cached credentials but cannot logon to the domain. He is only logging into the laptop with his cached credentials, is not authenticating with the domain, and therefore cannot print. Logging off of the user’s account, and then trying to login as myself I get the error:

“There are currently no logon servers available to process your logon request. “

I log in with his cached credentials again and right-click on the wifi adapter and choose Troubleshoot but can’t find any problems. I occasionally and intermittently get the “Windows needs your current credentials” Pop-up notification in the lower right near the clock/systray but clicking on that icon does not do anything. I even set the Wireless network adapter properties for TCP/IP 4 to use the DNS IP Address of the domain controller explicitly instead of getting the setting from DHCP, but still, the laptop is unable to login to the network with the new domain password I set for the user’s account.

There is definitely something wrong with the wireless adapter. I notice that when disconnecting/reconnecting to the wireless SSID, that the Intel WiFi drivers pop up stating that I’m connected and that there is a signal strength. Knowing that Intel drivers sometimes try to do too much and interfere with wireless connections I do the following and fix the issue.

  1. Uninstalled Intel wifi driver package from Windows Control Panel > Programs and Features. (I uninstalled both the WiDi package as well as the Intel Wifi Drivers package). This removed the device from the Device Manager
  2. In device manager, right-click on the Network Adapters and choose “Scan for Hardware Changes.” This, in turn, finds the WiFi network adapter but it does not have drivers yet.
  3. Go to and type in the Service Tag, find the drivers section and download the following driver: Intel-8260-7265-3165-7260-WiFi-Driver_YM1PH_WIN_20.10.1.1190_A24.exe
  4. Run the .exe and when it asks if I want to install the driver or extract, I chose Extract only. I make a new folder under the root of my C: drive and finish the extraction. 
  5. Back in the Device Manager, Right-click on the WiFi adapter and choose to “Browse my computer for driver software”. 
  6. Point to the location of the extracted drivers, finish the installation and log off. The laptop can now find the logon server/domain controller and the user is back in business.

For some reason the full suite driver for this model of laptop interferes with DNS and the laptop cannot find the logon server and login to the domain. By extracting the drivers only and telling the device manager to use only the .inf files for the device, we can circumvent the driver suite and get our adapter talking to the domain controller for authentication.

Windows 10 Creators Edition New Keyboard Shortcuts

Some new Windows Keyboard Shortcuts in Windows 10

With the release of Windows 10 Creators Edition version 1709, comes more bells, whistles, tricks, and shortcuts for us to dig into and explore. In this article, we’ll look mostly at the Windows Key shortcuts available and how the shortcuts and key combos can help us in our daily workflow.

  1. In the event you’re not already aware, the Windows Key on your keyboard (usually between the Ctrl and the Alt keys in the lower left area of most keyboards) has a lots of capabilities when held down while pressing other keys on the keyboard. Pressing this key on it’s own launches the Start Menu:
  2. Windows Key + A – Brings up the Windows Notifications SideBar. Here we can find existing notifications, switch to tablet mode, get into the windows settings panel, join a WiFi network, and change our location settings.           
  3. Windows Key + B – Select / Activate the Systray / Show Hidden Icons Expansion menu. This can come in handy as a few applications run as services and can only be accessed by right-clicking on the icon in the Systray; if your mouse stops working, this is a good shortcut to know.         
  4. Windows Key + C – Opens Cortana in Listening Mode. “Hey Cortana!” This is disabled by default and can be activated in the Cortana Settings. (Enable in Cortana > Menu > Notebook                                    
  5. Windows Key + D – Show the desktop
  6. Windows Key + E – Open File Explorer
  7. Windows Key + F – Open the Feedback Hub and Take a screenshot (this didn’t work for me)
  8. Windows Key + G – Open the X-Box Game Bar
  9. Windows Key + H – Open the Dictation control bar 
  10. Windows Key + I – Opens the Windows 10 Settings
  11. Windows Key + J – Sets focus to Windows Tips when one is available (Turn off tips in Settings > Notifications & Actions) 
  12. Windows Key + K – Open the Connect Quick action (connect to a wireless projector)                                            
  13. Windows Key + L – Lock your PC or Switch Accounts
  14. Windows Key + M – Minimize all windows
  15. Windows Key + O – Lock the device orientation (helpful for tablets)
  16. Windows Key + P – Choose a presentation display mode (Sidebar Projectors tool) 
  17. Windows Key + Q – Quick file search
  18. Windows Key + R – Open Run dialog box
  19. Windows Key + S – Open Windows Search (same as Windows Key + Q)
  20. Windows Key + T – Cycle through apps pinned to the taskbar (cycle in reverse is Windows Key + Shift + T)
  21. Windows Key + U – Open Ease of Access Center
  22. Windows Key + V – Cycle through windows notifications
  23. Windows Key + W – Opens the Windows Ink Workspace
  24. Windows Key + X – Opens the Quick Links Menu (right-click on the start menu) 
  25. Windows Key + Y – Switch input between Windows Mixed Reality and desktop (Your PC may not meet the minimum specs for Windows Mixed Reality)
  26. Windows Key + Z – Shows menus or commands available when an app is in full-screen mode.
  27. Windows Logo Key + period (.) or semicolon (;) – Opens the Windows 10 Emoji control panel 👍                                                 
  28. Windows Key + Comma (,) – temporarily peek at the desktop
  29. Windows Key + Pause/Break – Opens the System Properties
  30. Windows Key + Ctrl + F – Search for Active Directory computers on a network
  31. Windows Key + Number/Shift/Ctrl/Alt – Manage TaskView Virtual Desktops

I’m sure there are more so let me know in the comments if I missed any and let us know which are your favorites (mine is Windows Key + Pause/Break)

Setup Guacamole Remote Desktop Gateway on Ubuntu with one script

How to replace RDP, SSH and TeamViewer with free open source web-based client-less remote desktop gateway.

I recently learned about Guacamole and found that the setup is quite easy. I had been looking for a way to access all of my virtual and physical machine desktops remotely but didn’t want to rely upon, or trust TeamViewer eternally. Guacamole is open source software that provides you a way to run a tomcat/apache/mysql server suite that sets up and connects remote desktop connections via a web browser very similar to Teamviewer. It allows you to connect to any number of different desktops with just an html5 web browser, and a single open port on your firewall. You can use Google Authenticator 2FA to log into a console that has access to all your desktops, without having to install or configure remote clients such as putty, RDP and VPN. Although, if you’re attempting to use VNC, there will be some initial configuration of the VNC server on the client side – I found that UltraVNC server works best with Guacamole, more on that later.

The installation documentation on the official site is comprehensive but I was able to set up the system fast thanks to Chase Wright’s post here. To be clear, this is not “my script”, but I’ve written this article as a tutorial/guide.

First, you’ll want a standard Ubuntu server or virtual machine installed and running. I installed guacamole on Ubuntu Server 16.10 LTS.

Second, open an ssh connection to your server and run the following commands:

sudo su -
chmod +x

The installation will take a little while to download and install, and should only prompt you to provide a mysql database password.

For me, that was pretty much it for the initial setup. Next, I went to a different computer and connected to the guacamole gateway at the following default website:

http://serverIPaddress:8080/guacamole (replace serverIPaddress with your ubuntu server’s IP)

Login with the default guacamole username/password: guacadmin/guacadmin

The initial interface is a little sparse, but to create an RDP connection do the following:

  1. Create a new user first before you create a connection because, by default, it will launch a desktop session the next time you log in. If there’s a problem with the connection you may get stuck. This happened to me and I was stuck on the error:
    “Connection Error: An internal error with Guacamole server, and the connection has been terminated”

    It took a little digging but essentially the server console is up and running, but it is hidden by the black screen/pop-up and you can get back into the settings by going to the url: http://serverIPaddress:8080/guacamole/#/settings/sessions

  2. Create the user first by going to the menu in the upper right-hand corner and choose Settings:
  4. Next, click the Users tab and then New User:
  5. Next, provide a username, password (x2), and give this new user all permissions and hit save at the bottom:
  6. With this new user created, you will now want to log in as this new user and change the guacadmin account password.
  7. Now we can create our first connection. Before you create your first RDP connection, be sure to test RDP account credentials from a different computer to ensure you can connect successfully.
  8. Click on the Connections tab and then New Connection. The only things I had to set up to get to my workstation RDP connection working were the following:            
  10. Hit Save at the bottom. There are many additional settings available but this should get you up and connected.
  11. Now we want to assign this connection to a user. Do that by going into the Users tab again, find the user you want to assign and the connection:
  12. Now go to a different computer from the one you want to connect to, go to http://serverIPaddress:8080/guacamole site, login as the user with the connection assigned to it and you should be greeted with the RDP console of the remote computer.
  13. To setup an ssh connection it’s even easier. Again, first create a new user with the same name as the ssh server you want to connect into (I named my user HN-DHCP01). Then create a new connection and name it the same as your server. Below are the guacamole ssh connection settings I used to connect to my DHCP01 server:
  14. Under the Authentication setting, provide a valid ssh user’s credentials on the server you’ll be connecting into.
  15. Hit save at the bottom. Go back into the User tab, then select the new user (HN-DHCP01 user) and assign the connection to the user at the bottom and hit save.
  16. Log out of guacamole, then log in as the new user (HN-DHCP01) this will instantly log you into an ssh session that you can see in the screenshot below runs right in the browser!
  17. Guacamole also supports Two-Factor Authentication as well as a multitude of additional setups and configurations. It’s wise to setup 2FA prior to opening any firewall ports into your local network from the internet, as well as make sure that you follow all security precautions and test everything thoroughly.
  18. When configuring VNC for use as a remote support with Guacamole, I’ve found UltraVNC Server works best for Windows Clients. It’s a little tricky to setup on the client side and get it to run consistently across all flavors of Windows 7, and Windows 10 feature releases. 
  19. Enjoy your guacamole and let me know in the comments if I’ve missed anything.

Installing Kali Linux on ProxMox – Building a Penetration Test Lab – Part 2

In the process of building a Penetration Test Lab, I wanted to get started with the installation of Kali Linux virtual machine running on ProxMox. To get started, first download the latest version of Kali Linux (ISO) here. Grab the version

Kali 64 bit ISO | Torrent 2.6G 2017.1

Build your new VM (Proxmox > Create VM) using the ISO you’ve downloaded.

According to other user’s accounts of Kali not working after installation, it’s recommended to change the display type to VMWare compatible: After building the VM, change Hardware > Display > Edit > Choose VMWare compatible:

Kali installs onto a virtual hard drive on ProxMox (we will not be running a “live” version of Kali.) Start the new VM and scroll down the menu and choose Install  – (not GUI install.)

During installation, when grub asks where to have grub installed, choose “select your own location.”
Manually enter the path: /dev/sda
Otherwise, if you choose the ‘default’ or the path already listed, after completing the installation and a restart, you’ll get a message “Booting from Hard Disk” and the boot sequence will not complete, the VM will essentially hang.

Kali has completed its setup, I’ve booted the Kali VM, I’ve logged in, and I’m on the desktop.

Run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade to update the packages on your system.

Before we go on to complete the setup of the rest of our lab with known-vulnerable hosts, let’s run some cursory nmap scans.

Let’s run a ping scan on our own network with the command:

nmap -v -sn

This says: nmap, print verbose output (-v), do a Ping Scan (-sn) – (disable the default port scan for each address), and use the network with a CIDR of /24.

This scan will attempt to ping all 254 addresses. The highlights of the scan are below:

root@HN-kali01:~# nmap -v -sn

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2017-08-04 15:13 PDT
Initiating ARP Ping Scan at 15:13
Scanning 255 hosts [1 port/host]
Completed ARP Ping Scan at 15:13, 1.95s elapsed (255 total hosts)
Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 255 hosts. at 15:13
Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 255 hosts. at 15:13, 5.53s elapsed
Nmap scan report for [host down]
Nmap scan report for pfSense2x.jasoncoltrin.local (
Host is up (0.00048s latency).
MAC Address: 62:65:B1:30:52:A7 (Unknown)
Nmap scan report for [host down]
Nmap scan report for [host down]

Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00049s latency).
MAC Address: 18:03:73:34:34:36 (Dell)
Nmap scan report for [host down]
Nmap scan report for [host down]

So here we see that the scan detected my pfSense virtual machine firewall on IP, and gave me the MAC Address.

Let’s take a closer look at my the Dell workstation found on To do so, let’s run a port scan:

nmap -p 1-65535 -sV -sS -T4

This scan does the following:

Run a full port scan on ports 1-65535, detect service versions, run a Stealth Syn scan, use T4 timing and the target of the scan is IP

Below are the results:

root@HN-kali01:~# nmap -p 1-65535 -sV -sS -T4

Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2017-08-04 15:17 PDT
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.00047s latency).
Not shown: 65528 filtered ports
135/tcp   open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
139/tcp   open  netbios-ssn  Microsoft Windows netbios-ssn
445/tcp   open  microsoft-ds Microsoft Windows 7 - 10 microsoft-ds (workgroup: WORKGROUP)
2179/tcp  open  vmrdp?
27036/tcp open  ssl/steam    Valve Steam In-Home Streaming service (TLSv1.2 PSK)
49666/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
49667/tcp open  msrpc        Microsoft Windows RPC
MAC Address: 18:03:73:34:34:36 (Dell)
Service Info: Host: JCDESKTOP; OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows

Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 141.84 seconds

Because I don’t always like to use my new Kali VM via the ProxMox console, I want to run my Kali desktop over VNC & SSH. Here is a good resource for learning how to connect to your Kali Linux system with VNC over a secure SSH connection:

In the next post, we’ll look some more at NMAP, as well as some other pen-test tools.